
Sunday, January 4, 2015

#MeetTheMcWilliams A Wedding Weekend

This weekend was a ton of fun!!!  We got to go to Austin and see my sister-in-law, Samara, get married.  Here are a few highlights:

My hubby, Lisa, my FIL and me at the rehearsal dinner

The hubs & I with the bride at the rehearsal dinner

Me pre-rehearsal dinner in my FAV coat

The hubs and I waiting for the wedding to begin.

My hubby officiated the wedding and he ROCKED it!! <3 p="">
The bride and I <3 p="">
Photo Booth fun times!!

The bride, groom and the parents of the bride :-D

Such a fun weekend away celebrating love.  Isn't being with family the BEST??!!! ~Kendra~

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