
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What's the Best Time to Become a Team Beachbody Coach?

Passion is a MUST in this business. In order to be truly successful, I believe you have to be passionate about what you're doing. If you give your full 100%, you're going to get that right back whether it's a workout, relationship, or business. Helping people get started on their own health and fitness journey, gain confidence, and find happiness is my passion!!

It wasn’t until I started doing P90X that I really enjoyed working out. I could finally see definition in my arms and I felt like an athlete....something I'd def never felt like before. I was telling everyone about the workouts and people could tell I was doing something different and they began reaching out and asking me what the change was. I recommended it to anyone that wanted to lose weight and get toned. I just LOVED the program!!

Then, I found a blog all about one girls journey with P90X and Beachbody coaching. Oh my goodness y'all....I just had to try it so without even talking to her I followed a link on her blog and signed up to be a coach on her team.  Guess you could say, I'm a dive in head first type of girl. lol

My Round 1, Day 30, P90X Results 

Did I join as a Beachbody Coach at the “right time?” Was I in the BEST spot to make money?!

After over a year in this business, I honestly believe their is no “magic” time in your fitness journey to become a Beachbody coach. It depends on when YOU'RE ready to COMMIT to help yourself and others without expecting anything in return. If you're passionate about the Beachbody products, then you're going to be a successful coach!!

If you are just starting your weight loss journey, coaching is a great way to hold yourself accountable during your own journey. If you're like me, you don’t want to suggest someone do something that you're not doing yourself. I can’t motivate and encourage others if I am not motivated to kick butt in my workouts and eat healthy. As a coach, I always have someone to keep me accountable!

If you're super toned or already at your goal weight, as a Beachbody Coach you can share  how you succeeded in getting to your goals and maintaining your progress. Again, if you are truly passionate about the products, you're naturally going to share it whether it's a cute shirt, restaurant, or a workout program. Why not make a commission for it and have the ability to see how what you recommended that could change a person’s life?

TODAY'S the BEST time to get started!!

If you are considering coaching, it’s VITAL you find a team and coach you like. We offer a 9 Day JUMPSTART to help you get started on the best foot possible, and then offer a 3-week training customized to your goals! Plus, we do a private Facebook group for support and accountability and year-round incentives to help you continue to grow.

Do you think TODAY is the best time to sign up as a Beachbody Coach? Apply to join our team by filling out THIS FORM.  I’ll be in contact with you within 24 hours.  ~Kendra~

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