
Monday, January 19, 2015

P90X Workouts & the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan

The hubs and I decided to embark on a new journey....we're sweating for our friend Megan's wedding.  I'm going to be a bridesmaid in her wedding in November and we want to get fit and healthy for her big day.

Today we started with Day One of our P90X journey.  I'm so excited to get back to the program that started my whole journey with Beachbody back in 2012.

Along with P90X, I'm doing the 21 Day Fix Meal plan....check out what I'll be eating this week:

Want to check out all my daily workouts, food and more?  Follow me on Facebook HERE!
You can also catch me on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest at @KTaylor427

What is Beachbody Coaching Webinar: January 21st at 7PM CT

In 2011, the life I was living was a far cry from my DREAM life....I was 194.4lbs, I was self-concious, overwhelmed and a recent college grad with little idea of what I wanted for my future.

Sometimes, you just settle for a life that's less than you dreamed of and get comfy in that place without even noticing it until you feel stuck. Little did I know God was working on me and BIG, exciting things were in store!!

I was affraid to dream and had just settled in a job that was 'meh' def wasn't my DREAM job!!

Thankfully God had a BIG plan for my life that he was putting into place.  In March of 2011, I decided to get healthy and started my weightloss journey.  In 2012, I started P90X and fell in LOVE with Beachbody programs. I searched a ton of blogs looking for transformation pictures and found my own coaches blog.  I literally read her entire blog in one weekend and signed up to be a coach on her team (in October 2013) before even talking to her.

Her blog inspired me to dream go for it...and to try something waaaay outside my comfort zone.

I never imagined that I would be a team leader, getting to attend team leadership retreats and becoming friends with so many positive ladies all along the way.

If you can relate to where I started or if you're feeling frustrated, stuck or unsure of what's next but you KNOW God designed you to do BIG things...I URGE you to take a chance and try something new by joining in on our next webinar.

I WAS that girl just a few short years ago. NOW I want to pay it forward and inspire YOU to get healthy and fit while encouraging others along the way.
Don't worry, we'll be going on this journey TOGETHER!!!  I'll be right there with you every step of the way!

This WEDNESDAY, January 21st at 7PM Central, you'll hear all about my journey with Beachbody along with my best friend Megan McCusker and how she's paying for her wedding and building a life by her own design. And she isn't stopping there...she has HUGE plans including helping her dad RETIRE!

Join us WEDNESDAY at 7PM Central!!!
Comment below with your email or message me on FACEBOOK for the link to join in!!!

Friday, January 16, 2015

HUGE Beachbody Announcement!!!

Y’all, I've got a HUGE announcement for YOU!!!

How many of you love watching your fav movies and tv shows on Hulu, or Netflix? Guess what......Beachbody’s jumping on board SOON!!!

That's right....This spring we'll be rolling out digitally streaming Beachbody workouts. For ONLY $39 every quarter (3 months) you’ll get an amazing catalog of all the best Beachbody workouts. ((How awesome is that??...!!))

This is seriously going to be EPIC!!!

For a few more details, click HERE:

I'll make sure and keep you updated as I get more info on this awesome upcoming feature of Team Beachbody Club Membership!! 
For daily updates, make sure we're connected on all my social media sites:
Follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest:  @KTaylor427

Thursday, January 15, 2015

FREE Online Fit Club: You're Invited!!

Since becoming a Beachbody Coach my Facebook news feed went from whiney complaint about politics, the weather and relationship drama to full of positivity, healthy recipes, and people changing their lives for the better.  What a breathe of fresh air?!
I'm so thankful that I get to surround myself with so many amazing Beachbody coaches and people who are working on their health and fitness journeys. 

(Check out the CEO of Beachbody & celeb trainer, Autumn Calabrese chatting with us about all the awesome new things happening with Beachbody in 2015.)

So, do you need more positivity, enocouragement and motivation in your life?

Not sure what a Fit Club group's a little run down:
It's a group of like-minded ladies working on their health and fitness TOGETHER.  In the group, there's daily motivation, support, encouragement, fit tips, biweekly video chats, monthly giveaways and MUCH MORE. 
As a Fit Club member, you'll also get FIRST DIBS on all my upcoming challenge groups and events.  So what are you waiting for, JOIN IN!! :)  ~Kendra~

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Post Back Injury: Getting BACK in the game!

For most of us, a back injury means skipping daily workouts for months at a time. ((Yes, that was me.) Sometimes, people retire their workout clothes for good. (NO WAY.....That's so NOT me!)

I am on the road to recovery after over 6 months of 'taking it slow' and chiropractic treatments, my back is on the mend and now it's time for me to share this new journey with you. 

First, I want to fill y'all in on what happened to my back.  My husband and I went to Maine in Late May 2014 and while we were there my back started hurting.  When we got back home the pain became so bad that it hurt to stand, sit....basically any type of movement.  I honestly thought I might have appendicitis.  One night the pain was so bad, I was hunched over crying so my husband took me to the urgent care.  They did tons of tests and confirmed that nothing was wrong with my appendix, so the next day I went to see a chiropractor to check my back.

The chiropractor found that my neck was tilted forward, I had slight scoliosis in the middle of my back and the vertibrae at the tail of my spine were compressed.  Apparently, these issues had been there a while, but just hadn't caused me any pain till then. 

I started with 3 chiropractic visits a week and worked it all the way down to 1 and then he cleared me to start exercsiging.  Here's where I messed up....I started off waaaay to strong.  I did double workouts, I didn't rest enough and I just didn't listen to my body.  I pushed too hard! 

The strain caused me to pinch my ciatic nerve in my lower back....and goodness, that was the MOST pain I have ever experienced.  I am still going to the chiropractor regularly, but my back is doing MUCH better.  I'm honestly thankful for this experience, because it's humbled me, helped me to listen to my body and also gave me a HUGE appreciation for the body and life that I have.  Back pain and injuries are no joke....if you have back pain, get it checked!! 

I wanted to share all of that with you all, not to whine, but so that you can see where I'm coming from and hopefully learn from my failures and mistakes.  So now, I'm asking you to come along with me on a new journey.  On Monday, I started my first round of the 21 Day Fix post back injury.  I will be following the modifier during this round and I would love to have YOU join me over these next 21 days.

So what’s holding you back? Is it an injury? Chronic back pain? A busy lifestyle? Long work hours?

Guess what.....You can STILL get healthy and work towards your goals.

I know because, like I shared above, I’ve been there.  I also know because every day I get to help people who many be in the same situation through health and fitness challenge groups along with my FREE FB Fit Club.

Keep in mind, many of these guys have serious health or time limitations when they start the program. And they’ve considered giving up too.

If this story resonates with you, CLICK HERE to RSVP to our next Health & Fitness Challenge Group that will be kicking off January 19th.   

But whether you choose Team Bombshell Evolution or not isn’t important. What’s important is that you work towards your goals and DON'T give up!!

Remember, the difference between where you are today, and where you’ll be by the end of 2015, is the quality of the coaching, the mentorship, and the support you get along the way. Trust me, it makes a HUGE difference.

So my question to you is: Are ready to get started?

Want daily support and encouragement from a Beachbody coach?

If you’d like guidance along the waym, I’d be glad to work with you. In fact, I’m opening my next challenge group for new customers looking for the same thing.

So, if you're ready to get started, CLICK HERE to RSVP to our next Health & Fitness Challenge Group that will be kicking off January 19th.   

Also, I would love to hear your story!!!  Have you every had an injury and had to reacclimate to a workout routine?  How did it go?  Share below! :-D   ~Kendra~

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme by Autumn Calabrese Launches in February

Did you try Autumn Calabrese’s 21 Day Fix and have amazing results? Well then, I've got some GREAT news! She's launching a brand new program called the 21 Day Fix EXTREME and it's coming out February 2, 2015! 

Get first access to 21 Day Fix EXTREME here!

If you haven't tried the original 21 Day Fix, it's available NOW, and it’s perfect for beginner and intermediate exercisers. The 21 Day Fix EXTREME program is designed for someone who's needing to lose those last few pounds to get shredded and wants to up their intensity! This program's designed to help you get AMAMZING results by upping both your fitness and nutrition game! Autumn’s experience as a fitness competitor makes a HUGE difference in knowing how and what to eat and what workouts to do to help YOU get in the BEST shape of your life in just 21 days.

Want to learn more about celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese?

Autumn's a certified, celebrity fitness trainer to people like Rachel Zoe, Brooke Burke and MORE. She’s also a well-known fitness competitior whose placed in each competition she’s competed in. You may have also seen her on the cover of Oxygen magazine if you’re into heavy lifting and eating clean.
She also created the original 21 Day Fix that continually sold out and is now the #1 fitness and nutrition program in the United States. Her unique meal plan that allows you to never count a calorie and no-nonsense workouts are perfect for anyone, and now she’s taking those concepts to the EXTREME for max results. (View the Original 21 Day Fix and learn more on Autumn here)

What's the difference between the original 21 Day Fix and the EXTREME version?

Besides all the brand new workouts that have tons more intensity, there's a new nutrition plan focused on getting you your max results. You'll still be using your food containers and practicing portion control, but you'll also be eating COMPLETLY clean...Get ready to say goodbye to the waffles and hello to your ab muscles!!

Be the FIRST to get access to 21 Day Fix EXTREME here

To stay up to date on all the latest workouts Beachbody's launching, to find out FIRST about upcoming fitness challenge groups and to get daily support and motivation, friend my on Facebook and join my FREE FB Fit Club Group!!  ~Kendra~

Monday, January 12, 2015

Team Beachbody's Super Sunday #DFWSuper

Yesterday, I got to attend Beachbody's annual Super Saturday, or as Dallas does it, Super Sunday event. 
SO-->>WHAT IS SUPER SATURDAY?It’s our quarterly get-together, where Coaches from across the USA come together at hundreds of events to prepare for the next quarter, recognize success, share tips, and MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!
I was sooo excited to meet up with a few of my teammates, see the CEO, Carl D. and get to preview 21 Day Fix Extreme with celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese LIVE!!
Going to these events is a HUGE part of my journey as a coach, my motivation to continue to work hard and let's be honest....they're just so much FUN!!!  You get to meet Elite coaches, like the lovely Danielle Katz, learn about all the new Beachbody info before anyone else and get some amazing training from leaders in the business.

I had a great time and I can't wait till next quarters Super Sunday!!!
So what do you do after a Beachbody event when the parking garage is overflowing and there's no way you're getting out anytime soon.....that's right, you eat a protein bar and read some personal development!! :-) 
If you haven't checked out Entreleadership by Dave Ramsey, I highly reccomend it...he's funny, relatable and his book's just so easy to read.  He also has great nuggets of wisdom that are easy to apply to your business.  Love it!! 
Would you like to start going to events like this one?  Going on all-expenses paid retreats and vacations?  Are you ready to get healthy and fit while helping others all along the way?  If so, then Beachbody Coaching might be right for you!!
I'd love to connect with you on Facebook HERE of on Twitter, Pinterst and Instagram at @KTaylor427.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

What is Beachbody Coaching?

Want to learn more about Beachbody and what this coaching things all about?  Check out this webinar for more info:

Have more questions, connect with me here:
Connect with me on Facebook
Follow me on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram: @KTaylor427

Ready to join the team?  CLICK HERE to join Team Bombshell Evolution. 


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Weekly Fashion Round Up

So I've decided to start rounding up all my outfit pics each week into one BIG post for y'all.
If you wanna see them daily, make sure we're FB friends!!! So here goes:
Comfy sweater- $3.99 at Thrift City
Lime green lace top- $1 at Thrift World
Gray skinny pants- Gifted from TJ Maxx ...
Scarf- $3.99 at Goodwill
Boots- gifted from the hubs from Wink
Silver stud earrings- Gifted from NaNa

Blazer- Gifted from mom (Cato)
Leopard Top- $3.99 at Goodwill in Austin
Dark Denim Skinnies- $12 at Talbots Outlet ...
Boots- $17 at Sears
Mustard Scarf- $7 at DEB
Headband- Came in a set for $4 at Walgreens (They're the no slip ones...I let you know if they're good or not!!)
Black Stud Earrings- Gifted from NaNa
Circle Bracelet- $2.99 at Charming Charlie
Diamondy bracelet- Came in a set of like 10 for $8 at Target
Black beaded bracelet- 6 sets for $5 at MIZ Accessories
Striiv Fitness tracker- Gifted from the hubs (Best Buy)

Gray Sweater/Moto Jacket- $3.99 at Thrift World
B/W Top- Gifted from mom
Scarf- 2 for $6 at WalMart...
Polka Dot Skinnies- $9 at JcPenny
Leopard Flats- $9 at Bass in Maine
Earrings- $1.99 at Cato
Black tank that's underneath- Thanks Jessica Ericksen!! ((Yes, I still put that huge bag of clothes you gifted me to good use hehe))

Plaid top- $1.50 at Thrift World...
Skinny Jeans- $12 at Talbots Outlet
Black Boots- $17 at Sears
Scarf- Gifted from mom (Cato)
Earrings- Gifted from Nana
Bracelets- Mostly from MIZ Accessories (6 sets for $5) along with one diamondy stretch bracelet that came in a set for $8 at Target
Striiv Fitness Tracker- Best Buy

B/W Sweater- Gifted from mom (Marhsalls)
B/W Embelished Top- Gifted from NaNa
Black Skinnies w/leather details- Gifted from TJ Maxx...
Black pointed toe wedges- $6 at Goodwill (New from Target- Just FYI, Target donates all their clearance items that don't sell to Goodwill. Score!!)
Black and silver bracelets- 6 sets for $5 at MIZ Accessories
Earrings- 6 for $5 at MIZ Accessories
Do you adore fashion and getting a good deal like I do?  Share a link to your fashion blog below!!  I'd love to check it out!! :-D  ~Kendra~

Friday, January 9, 2015

Today's Mini Challenge- #CleanOutChallenge

Happy Friday y'all!  Today’s mini challenge is the ‪#‎CleanOutChallenge‬ Here’s how it work:

Go to kitchen and find (at least) one unhealthy item that is keeping you from reaching your health and fitness goals. Then, post a pic of you saying goodbye and chunking it in the trash using #CleanOutChallenge. Hahaha Having unhealthy foods around the h...ouse sets you up for failure….We want to be prepared to succeed! Don’t forget to comment on this thread with “Posted” and a link to where you posted it after you’re done.

By now I bet a lot of people are commenting on the fun hashtags you’ve been using during our mini challenges this week. And it feels pretty darn good to be able to help and encourage others, doesn't it? Well, if you've ever thought about "paying it forward" and continuing to help other people start their own clean eating or fitness journey and get their own amazing results, perhaps becoming a Team Beachbody® Coach is calling your name.

Anyone out there inspired to become a Coach just yet? I'm sure you have a ton of questions about what's involved—so send them my way!!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Today's Mini Challenge: #WorkoutWear

Today's mini challenge is the #WorkoutWear Challenge. Here’s how it works:

Go to google and find your dream/goal workout outfit.  Then, post a pic of the outfit on your social media pages with  #WorkoutWear included in the post and you’ll be enetered into a drawing for a Shakeology sample pack, receipe cards and, of course, a little bonus prize.  Woot, woot!!

Don’t forget to comment on this thread with “Posted” after you're done. I can't wait to see all of your cute outfits!! ;-) 
Here's mine: 

Don't forget to add/follow me on my other social media sites:
Add me on FB HERE.
Follow me on Pinterest HERE.
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @KTaylor427


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Today's Mini Challenge: #WaterChallenge

Today's mini challenges is the ‪#‎WaterChallenge‬.

Here’s how it work:

Post a pic on your page each time you finish a bottle (cup, jug, whatever lol) of water with #WaterChallenge included in the post and every time you’ll be enetered into a drawing for a Shakeology sample pack, receipe cards and, of course, a little bonus prize. Woot, woot!!

Don’t forget to comment below with your SM username or link to your profile when you post the #WaterChallenge pic on your page so you'll be enetered into the drawing. 

Now get to drinking y’all!   ~Kendra~

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today's Mini Challenge: #WhatImEating

It's OFFICIALLY Day One of my 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge!! ((There's still time to join in!!))

Each day, for the next 5 days, I'll post a mini challenge and today's is all about what you're eating. Share a pic of one of your clean eating meals and post it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...wherever) with ‪#‎WhatImEating.  

Everyone who participates will be placed in a drawing and the winner will receive a Shakeology sample pack, recipes and a little bonus prize. Can't wait to see what everyones eating today!!!
Comment below with a link to your social media profile once you're done so I can all go to your page and check it out.

Also, make sure we're friends so I can message you about claiming your PRIZE.

Add me on FB HERE. 
Follow me on Pinterest HERE.
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram at @KTaylor427


Sunday, January 4, 2015

#MeetTheMcWilliams A Wedding Weekend

This weekend was a ton of fun!!!  We got to go to Austin and see my sister-in-law, Samara, get married.  Here are a few highlights:

My hubby, Lisa, my FIL and me at the rehearsal dinner

The hubs & I with the bride at the rehearsal dinner

Me pre-rehearsal dinner in my FAV coat

The hubs and I waiting for the wedding to begin.

My hubby officiated the wedding and he ROCKED it!! <3 p="">
The bride and I <3 p="">
Photo Booth fun times!!

The bride, groom and the parents of the bride :-D

Such a fun weekend away celebrating love.  Isn't being with family the BEST??!!! ~Kendra~