
Friday, January 9, 2015

Today's Mini Challenge- #CleanOutChallenge

Happy Friday y'all!  Today’s mini challenge is the ‪#‎CleanOutChallenge‬ Here’s how it work:

Go to kitchen and find (at least) one unhealthy item that is keeping you from reaching your health and fitness goals. Then, post a pic of you saying goodbye and chunking it in the trash using #CleanOutChallenge. Hahaha Having unhealthy foods around the h...ouse sets you up for failure….We want to be prepared to succeed! Don’t forget to comment on this thread with “Posted” and a link to where you posted it after you’re done.

By now I bet a lot of people are commenting on the fun hashtags you’ve been using during our mini challenges this week. And it feels pretty darn good to be able to help and encourage others, doesn't it? Well, if you've ever thought about "paying it forward" and continuing to help other people start their own clean eating or fitness journey and get their own amazing results, perhaps becoming a Team Beachbody® Coach is calling your name.

Anyone out there inspired to become a Coach just yet? I'm sure you have a ton of questions about what's involved—so send them my way!!

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