
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What's the Best Time to Become a Team Beachbody Coach?

Passion is a MUST in this business. In order to be truly successful, I believe you have to be passionate about what you're doing. If you give your full 100%, you're going to get that right back whether it's a workout, relationship, or business. Helping people get started on their own health and fitness journey, gain confidence, and find happiness is my passion!!

It wasn’t until I started doing P90X that I really enjoyed working out. I could finally see definition in my arms and I felt like an athlete....something I'd def never felt like before. I was telling everyone about the workouts and people could tell I was doing something different and they began reaching out and asking me what the change was. I recommended it to anyone that wanted to lose weight and get toned. I just LOVED the program!!

Then, I found a blog all about one girls journey with P90X and Beachbody coaching. Oh my goodness y'all....I just had to try it so without even talking to her I followed a link on her blog and signed up to be a coach on her team.  Guess you could say, I'm a dive in head first type of girl. lol

My Round 1, Day 30, P90X Results 

Did I join as a Beachbody Coach at the “right time?” Was I in the BEST spot to make money?!

After over a year in this business, I honestly believe their is no “magic” time in your fitness journey to become a Beachbody coach. It depends on when YOU'RE ready to COMMIT to help yourself and others without expecting anything in return. If you're passionate about the Beachbody products, then you're going to be a successful coach!!

If you are just starting your weight loss journey, coaching is a great way to hold yourself accountable during your own journey. If you're like me, you don’t want to suggest someone do something that you're not doing yourself. I can’t motivate and encourage others if I am not motivated to kick butt in my workouts and eat healthy. As a coach, I always have someone to keep me accountable!

If you're super toned or already at your goal weight, as a Beachbody Coach you can share  how you succeeded in getting to your goals and maintaining your progress. Again, if you are truly passionate about the products, you're naturally going to share it whether it's a cute shirt, restaurant, or a workout program. Why not make a commission for it and have the ability to see how what you recommended that could change a person’s life?

TODAY'S the BEST time to get started!!

If you are considering coaching, it’s VITAL you find a team and coach you like. We offer a 9 Day JUMPSTART to help you get started on the best foot possible, and then offer a 3-week training customized to your goals! Plus, we do a private Facebook group for support and accountability and year-round incentives to help you continue to grow.

Do you think TODAY is the best time to sign up as a Beachbody Coach? Apply to join our team by filling out THIS FORM.  I’ll be in contact with you within 24 hours.  ~Kendra~

Monday, December 29, 2014

For Online Health and Fitness Accountability –> Add Me as Your Beachbody Coach

Join Team Bombshell Evolution for daily accountability, biweekly video chats, monthly challenge groups, & giveaways and MUCH MORE through my FREE Health and Fitness Team!

It's a fun group of around 50 ladies in a private (so no one besides us can see what we post!) Facebook group, blog with health & fitness tips along with biweekly weight loss support video chats. I also do challenge groups and offer giveaways/prizes along the way. The majority of our group is women ages 25-40. We all doing different types of workouts, but I can guarantee someone in the group has similar goals as you. Are you ready to get plugged in? Well then continue reading for directions on how to join in for FREE!!

What is the FREE Bombshell Evolution Fit Club?

Joining the fit club gets you access an exclusive closed Facebook group, one-on-one coaching, first dibs on upcoming challenge groups and giveaways to keep you motivated & accountable! Plus it’s absolutely FREE!

So why do you have to sign up?

As your coach, you are a priority to me. I will both help you get your healthiest & fittest through my mentorship.  As a teammate, it shows you've made the same commitment to the group. While I'd love for EVERYONE to succeed in meeting their health and fitness goals, being on Team Bombshell Evolution allows us to be connected, avoid any combinations with other fitness professionals (these could effect your success and overwhelm you!), and it keeps my business alive so I can CONTINUE helping those who want help!

How do you Add Team Bombshell Evolution as your Online Health and Fitness Coach?

CLICK HERE to sign up for the team. The team is part of the Team Beachbody club. By signing up, you won’t get any junk mail; this is just a way for me to track everyone’s name, email, etc. It comes in handy when you have a question or win the monthly prize. Then please send me a Friend Request so I can add you to our group, the Bombshell Evolution Fit Club.
**NOTE** If you already have a Team Beachbody account, you were more than likely assigned a coach, and if you like to be my team, you will need to make a coach switch.
To make a coach switch, you simply have to send a one line email to and tell them that you want me to be your coach: Kendra Taylor,, Coach ID: 305257
That’s all! It just takes about 5 minutes. Even if you are unsure what program is right for you or hesitate to set your fitness goals, go ahead and sign up–it may be just the step in the right direction that you’ve been needing!

Now, let’s get started! Join our Fit Club Now!!

Contact Team Bombshell Evolution for Fitness and Sponsorship Opportunities

Thanks for checking out It's My Evolution and wanting to connect with me!

I have a few ways to keep in contact with me besides having to come to directly to the blog.

If you are a member of the media, or are interested in contacting me about sponsorship opportunities, please contact me by e-mail for my most recent media kit.

Join The Team / Let Me Be Your Free Fitness Coach
Join Get free coaching, a year-round accountability group, and access to me for all of your health and fitness questions!

Stay Connected through Facebook, Twitter, & You Tube!
“Like” It's my Evolution on Facebook for tips, support, and giveaways at

Follow It's My Evolution on Twitter at @KTaylor427 to stay connected in less than 180 characters.

Follow It's My Evolution @KTaylor427 on Pinterest for food, fitness, fashion, and family pins.

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel "It's My Evolution" to see fit tips, fashion hauls, product reviews & more!

If you are working with the press or are interested in a sponsorship opportunity, please e-mail me @

Kendra Taylor

Sunday, December 28, 2014

How To Set Health and Fitness Goals

Think back to previous goals you've set.  How many times have you set a HUGE goal to lose 50 or more pounds or exercise six days a week only to fall completely off track after one slip up? With the new year coming up, most of us have grand intentions of making this year the best year yet...why not right?  BUT without a good plan and goal, it just won't happen! 

Setting a new goal can def give you energy and get your motivation going, but over time those feelings can start to loose momentum...especially when you try to do too much too fast.  To avoid overextending yourself, start by setting goals that will build on to one another and keep you going throughout 2015. Breaking a HUGE goal into smaller, more realistic chunks can help you stay focused for the long haul!

The first step to setting realistic health & fitness goals is to HONESTLY think about your goal and write it down.   Make sure to write it in multiple places where you'll see it every single day.

Now that you have your goal, it's time to break it down!!  

1. How big is your goal?  If it's something that will take all year to achieve, try breaking it down into smaller monthly goals.  Hitting those smaller goals along the way will keep you motivated and on track to reach the ultimate goal.

2. What does it take to achieve your goal?  This is where you reverse engineer your goal.....write down every single thing you need to do to reach your goal.  

3. Can you visualize yourself reaching your goal? Take an honest look at yourself and see if this is a goal you really see yourself sticking with.

Once you've got your goal defined and broken down into smaller parts, take time to think about how you'll reward yourself along the way.  Rewards will keep you motivated!!  BUT Don't use food as a reward...we're not dogs! ;-)

Last, but not least, don't be afraid to tweak a goal as the year goes by. Just remember, life happens and the best way to set yourself up for success is by being realistic and honest with yourself.  

Now, GO out there and start setting your health and fitness goals!

Need support along the way?  Then JOIN the Bombshell Evolution Fit Club on FB.  ~Kendra~

Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Healthy Holiday Present--> Striiv Fusion Fitness Tracker

Did you get any health & fitness related presents for Christmas this year?  I hit the jackpot when my hubby got me a Striiv Fusion Fitness Activity Tracker.  I had been eyeing it, googling it and reading every review of fitness trackers I could get my hands on and I was sold on this one, because of how it also acts like a Smart Watch.  Love the fitness/techy combo!!

I thought I'd share a little info on it with y'all just in case you're thinking off trying it out.  I've never been a big watch wearer, but I LOVE to accessorize by layering bracelets so the FIRST major concern for me was that it wasn't big and bulky like a sports watch.  This ones slim and just looks like a black it blends with my other arm candy.

I also love the way it displays my steps, sends push notifications when I get texts, calls or FB messages and I can even control my phone's music right from the tracker.  Love it!

The packaging it came in was also really nice....PLUS the instructions was super simple to follow.  I hate reading pages and pages on instructions, so that was nice!!

I have only been using it for 2 days, so I don't have an official decision on it yet, but it sure has been fun to use so far!!  

Have you tried using a fitness tracker?  Which one?  How'd you like it?  ~Kendra~

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

5 Day FREE Clean Eating Challenge ->Starts Jan. 5th!

With Christmas and New Years almost here, it makes me think back to past years.....In 2013, I was engaged & insanely busy planning a wedding and working full time. We had cake testings, parties, etc and I def added a few pounds during that time. Luckily I was still able to squeeze into my dress on the BIG DAY!! hehe Near the end of 2013, I became a Beachbody Coach and started to really hone in o...n clean eating.

In 2014, I've learned how to not only eat clean, but manage my portions while still eating foods that I love. In 2015, my goal is to help share this with more of YOU!! If you're ready to learn how to eat clean....what to put on your grocery list, how to plan out your meals and want a group of like-minded ladies to walk along side you as you get started, then this is a GREAT group for you!!!

To Join in, simply RSVP HERE-->>>

Monday, December 22, 2014

Merry Christmas Giveaway

To get into the Christmas spirit I decided to do a little giveaway!! I learned so much from this awesome audio-book and now I want to pass it on to YOU!! ‪#‎SharingIsCaring‬
Plus....who doesn't love free stuff, right? So how to you get entered to win?

1. Sign up for a FREE Team Beachbody Memebership (if you don't already have one) HERE-->>

2. Share my Like Page post on your Facebook page by going HERE-->>

It's that simple!! A winner will be drawn and announced on December 18th.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

6 Tips for Overcoming Holiday Stress

1. Exercise Regularly. The best thing to do about the unavoidable going way overboard during the holidays is by exercising regularly. A good sweat does wonders for the toxins and extra calories from all the holiday activities while also relieving built up stress.

2. Have a plan. Buy a calendar or daily planner.  Then start listing all the activities that you want to attend during the holidays: concerts, church events, family gatherings and such all need to be listed on it. Keep it handy and make a rule: It must be on the calendar if it's going to happen. This keeps everyone aware of whats going on, when and everyone stays informed and doesn't miss out.

3. Schedule alone time.  It's easy to get carried away with scheduling and planning out every second of the holidays.  Just remember to squeeze in some alone time for your own sake. Sometimes we just need a break from our own go-getter schedule.

4. Be flexible. Just because you wanted to go to a Christmas musical doesn’t mean your whole family wants to too. Be ready to's ok to go with your Plan B. There will always be unplanned things that come or or changes in your carefully crafted plans. If you stay flexible, you’ll be much less stressed heading into the new year!

5. Don't over book.  By doing less, you might actually enjoy and relax during the holidays more. Trying saying no to at least one holiday activity so you have more time to just soak in the season and relax at home with your family.

6. Go gadget free.  When at holiday events and parties, turn the phone on silent, say goodbye to Facebook and just be present in the moment.  The constant ringing, buzzing and vibrating of our phones can actually cause us to have elevated stress levels, so turn them off when possible at family gatherings and holiday events.


Friday, December 19, 2014

5 Simple Ways to Knock Out Colds Fast

Check out these 5 day things to do to knock out your cold.  Don't just wait it out!!

1. Take a hot shower.  If you're stuffed up a steamy shower is sure to help!! The steam will help to open and clear your sinuses.

2. Drink hot tea. It's not just a yummy way to stay also helps bring relief to your sore throat.

3. Gargle salt water. It may not taste as good as hot tea, but it will surely help relieve a sore throat.  Just try it:  Gargle a little warm water with a dash of salt mixed in.

4. Get some rest. Colds can make you extra let yourself be tired.  Go get those PJs on and hop back in bed!!

5. Use a humidifier. It will add humidity to the room and help ease congestion.  

Which tip are you going to point to use?  All of them?  Share below your fav tip for knocking out colds.

To make sure you see the rest of my Holiday Survive & Thrive tips, make sure to follow me on Pinterest!! 


Tuesday, December 16, 2014

8 Ways to Loose the Dreaded Holiday Bloat

I absolutely love the holidays, the time with family, shopping, sparkling lights and all of the Christmas decorations! I have a hard time avoiding all the seasonal treats and chocolate-y foods though can lead to bloat....even eating when you eat them in moderation. Here are 8 tips to lose that yucky holiday bloat. 

8 Ways to Loose the Dreaded Holiday Bloat:

1. Stay hydrated. 
We’ve heard it a million times, but, as for most things, it's easier said then done. Start by setting a reminder in your phone or carry a water bottle everywhere you go. Water helps flush out all the toxins in your body from those processed holiday treats.  Plus, dehydration can lead to constipation and bloat which give you that uncomfortable, over-stuffed feeling. Remember, if you feel thirsty–you are already dehydrated. Drink BEFORE your mouth has a chance to get dry. 

2. Don't add extra salt to your foods. 
Salt causes you to retain water next time you reach for the salt shaker just say NO! Extra sprinkles of salt aren't the only way we get too much sodium. Do your best to cut down on high-sodium foods like hot dogs, cottage cheese, bacon, soy sauce, and chips. 

3. Go bananas for potassium. 

Potassium helps balance out your body when you may have indulged in some extra salt.  Plus, it's a yummy snack for to long weight between breakfast and that yummy holiday meal ((Ours always ends up being later than planned. haha)

4. Stay active. 
Even just 10 minutes of movement is a whole lot better than laying on the couch all day watching holiday parades and football with your family.  It will just take a few minutes and you'll feel much better afterwards!  It will also help you de-stress from the hustle and bustle of a house full of family and friends. 

5. Limit gas-y foods. 

Foods like beans, broccoli, pears, onions and carbonated drinks actually create more gas inside your body.  Just like a balloon...the more air (or gas, in this case) the more full you'll feel (and look).   

6.  Have your morning cup of tea, green tea that is.

Green tea boosts your metabolism naturally.  It will also keep you full and satisfied in-between meals.  My fav flavor is peach mango green tea....give it a try! ;-)

7.  Take it slow.

Chew your food slowly and in small bites. This helps with digestion and allows less air to make it's way into your tummy.  It also allows you to notice when you feel full and help you to avoid over-stuffing your self.

8.  Buddy up.

Tell your friend, your hubby or sen join the Bombshell Evolution Fit Club.  Support and accountability will help you stick to all of the above and avoid the bloat all together.  As corny as it sounds, teamwork really does make the dream (or goal) get with your team (whether it's your bestie, boyfriend, hubby or coworker) and go to work on reaching your goals.  If I can do it, I know you can too!

PS: Don't forget to join us on Facebook here for even more tips & tricks for a healthy holiday season.   


Monday, December 15, 2014

10 Simple Ways to Avoid Healthy Weight Gain

5. Use smaller plates.  When you pile a large plate full or turkey and dressing it can quickly add up.  If the plate is smaller, the amount of food you can fit on it is also smaller.  

6. Sneak in extra veggies!  Mix pureed veggies into casseroles or sneak them into starchy potato dishes. Adding veggies will increase fiber, which helps make us fuller.

7. Wait 15 to 20 minutes before asking for seconds.  If you give your tummy some time, you just may realize you're fuller than you first thought. Don't rush the second servings and you may not even need them.

8. Cave in to cravings.  Sounds crazy, right?  If you listen to your cravings and just have a small amount it will be better than trying to disregard your cravings all together.  If you try to over look cravings, you may try to eat something else instead and end up still eventually giving in.  There's no need for all those extra calories.  Just give in and have a small portion.

9. Chew gum.  Chewing gum will keep your mouth 'busy' and keep sugar cravings at bay.

10. Say no to alcohol.  Calories and carbs in alcohol add up FAST.  Try to keep your alcohol intake at a minimum, sine you're, most likely, indulging a little more than normal already.

Come back tomorrow to learn more tips for surviving & thriving during the holidays!! ~Kendra~

Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Story & the Beachbody Coaching Oppourtunity

Back in 2011, I was over weight, struggling with self doubt and staring at a scale that read 194.4lbs. I was smiley on the outside, but I would burst into tears at the smallest things, I was constantly stressed out and overwhelmed and I had yet to find God's calling for my life. I was basically completely lost.
In March of 2011, out of nowhere, I decided to make a BIG CHANGE....I started eating healthy, working out and eventually tried P90X. That's where it all changed. As I shed pounds and got healthier, I started to gain confidence and was waaay less tired and stressed. When looking for extra support during my 2nd round of P90X, I found my coaches blog and decided to become a coach....BEST decision ever. 

Coaching has really brought me FULL CIRCLE. Now, I get to help others, just like me, reach their own health and fitness I found IT...You know...the thing we always seem to be searching for...God's purpose for our was right there just waiting for me and NOW I want to share it with you!!!
-->>I am looking to personally mentor 5 NEW COACHES!<<-- p="">
I'll give you 100% by setting you up with training, weekly one-on-one calls, and all the support you need to be successful!! If you would like to get into the best shape of your life, and help your family and friends do the same, then I have an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for YOU!
If you have an interest in learning more, comment below with your email and I will personally message you!   ~Kendra~

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Beachbody Referral Program

My new Referral Program is a way to reward my awesome customers! I'm so excited to see you all having such great success with your Beachbody Program and Shakeology. Of course, you've probably bragging to your friends about how this whole Beachbody thing works. That’s AWESOME! It gets more people excited about getting in shaping and changing their lives. I will give you a gift for referrals to those that sign up with me as their coach.
(Haven’t signed up for our team yet? Sign up for our FREE team to get access to our private Facebook group, exclusive team information, and the referral program!)

4 Ways to Earn with Our Referral Program

1. Get 10 People to Sign Up for the Free Team Beachbody Membership
10 referrals = Your free personalized water bottle.
2. Get 1 person to sign up for the Premium Team Beachbody Membership or Buy a Fitness Program (value less than $49.95)
1 referral = 1 Shakeology individual packet and a Shakeology Shaker Cup

3. Get 1 person to get on Shakeology Home Delivery or Complete Fitness Program (value of $49.95 or more)
1 referral = 2 shakeology individual packets AND a Shakeology Shaker Cup
4. Become a Coach or get a friend to coach (once they become “active” with me as upline coach) =
TurboFire by Chalene Johnson
TurboFire HIIT DVD
1 referral = Your choice Workout DVDs:
INSANITY® Fast and Furious DVD
Brazil Butt Lift® Leandros Secret Weapon Workout
Hip Hop Abs Extreme DVD
Turbo Jam Live
TurboFire Greatest HIITs DVD
or a Team Bombshell Evolution Tshirt

Now…to insure you get the credit. Join Team Beachbody, if you haven’t already, and select me as your coach. 
Then the client who you are referring must:
Email me at: and let me know that you are the person referring him or her as me for their coach.
Sign up for a membership with either the free or premium Team Beachbody with me as their coach. 
I will notify you once the client has signed up and met one of the above criteria, i.e, free membership, premium, Shakeology, fitness program or coach. Questions? Email me   Thanks!  ~Kendra~

Monday, December 8, 2014

Holiday Survive & Thrive Challenge

You’ll receive tips on goal setting, avoiding the jiggle and getting rid of that yucky bloat. PLUS, I’ll be mixing in special incentives and freebies along the way!
You’ll also get an invite to my New Year, New You special group kicking off in January 2015!
Now before you get all freaked out....
I'm all about living a healthy, happy, and balanced life.  That being said, no food is off limits during this challenge....just remember, everything in moderation. Also, how you speak to yourself is just as important as your nutrition and workouts. Positivity is an important part of this group too.

The Pinterest Holiday Survive and Thrive Challenge will last 1 week and will focus on SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE things to make your holidays even better!

How do you RSVP to our special Pinterest Party?

RePin the picture above (Also shown on the board above.)
You can also join our Pinterest Healthy Holiday Challenge Group on Facebook for even more updates!

What will you get out of the Pinterest Holiday Survive and Thrive Challenge?

  • Each day I'll be sharing a healthy tip, recipe, or habit that will help you have a happy and healthy holiday season!
  • Each pin will also have a full post linked to it so you get even MORE helpful information and motivation.
  • And what’s motivation without some friends? We’ll be checking the Pinterest Healthy Holiday threads everyday to see how you are doing! So invite your friends and comment along the way.
  • There will be some FREE EXTRAS along the way too….because who doesn’t love free stuff?!  (I know I do!)
To get the MOST out of the Holiday Survive and Thrive Challenge,  I recommend also joining in on the  AWESOME Facebook group HERE.
This is not mandatory, but it will greatly help you stay committed to your goals!

Follow the board here

Ask a friend to join as well to keep you excited, accountable, and having FUN this month! Starting Dec 15th!
Remember, your health is going to make the holidays better. Feeling energetic instead of tired and being able to get into any outfit you want instead of having to shimmy and shake into those skinny jeans is going to make everyday a little more special and a whole lot less stressful. Be kind to yourself and your body this season, and just enjoy this special time of the year!

Are you in for our Pinterest Holiday Challenge?

Don’t forget to join our Facebook Group too! 

Can I sign up to be a Beachbody Coach JUST for the discount? YES, you can!!

I get asked a LOT if you can become a Beachbody coach just for the discount. YES, you can start earning the 25% Beachbody coach discount immediately too without ever “coaching” someone.

Why join for the Beachbody coach discount?
You may be in the middle of TurboJam and really want to try TurboFire, Insanity, or something else. If that’s the case, it makes sense to sign up to get the Beachbody coach discount on your next program. The 25% is even more beneficial to Shakeology customers. You can save approximately $15 on regular Shakeology (chocolate or greenberry) or $25 on vegan Shakeology (chocolate or tropical) each month after your coach fees! That’s $180 to $300 a year for doing nothing but signing up to coach.
Don’t let the title of “coach” scare you. If you want to rock this business, we are here to help you every step of the way; if you just want the discount and to be a regular client, we are happy to do that too. Just because you signed up for the Beachbody coach discount does not mean you have any responsibility as a coach (except to pay your coach fee $15.95 which is auto-withdrawal).
Why aren’t other people doing this? Well, they actually are! Beachbody stated that nearly 85% of coaches sign up only for the discount! Pretty cool, huh?

How much does it cost to sign up?
It varies. The MAX you will ever pay to sign up as a coach is $39.95 though. If you are on vegan Shakeology, you will have this paid for in 2 months just in savings!
You can also purchase a challenge pack when you sign up to have your coaching fee of $39.95 waived. You could get a workout program and Shakeology when you get signed up because. For example, you could get Brazil Butt Lift ($59.95) + Vegan Tropical Shakeology ($129.95) + 30 day Club Membership ($12.95) + Coaching fee waived (value of $39.95) for $160! That’s like getting Brazil Butt Lift for free!!! There are all kinds of programs to pick from too! The max cost of a challenge pack is $205. These prices are already lower than the coach price before the fee is waived so it is definitely worth it if you're a bargain hunter like me!
Are you ready to sign up for the Beachbody coach discount? The link to join my team is below; please just let me know you are only doing it for the discount so that I can add you to our client group for accountability and motivation and remove you from my “coach” emails for those growing their business. :)
I will send you a Welcome Email and help you get started once you’re signed up. I can’t wait to get to know you!  ~Kendra~

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Back with a thrift haul...woot, woot!!

I'm back and BONUS, I've decided to add more fashion to the little ole' blog of mine.  To kick it off, i wanted to share a thrift haul with y'all:

Comment below and let me know if you'd like to see more of these along with what other fashion posts you'd like to see here on It's My Evolution.  Thanks y'all!  ~Kendra~

Monday, October 13, 2014

Partner With Me

-Want to get healthy and be a positive example for those around you. 
-Are ready to make a BIG change in your life and health & fitness may just be the vehicle to get you there. 
-Are a health and fitness enthusiast looking to make a thriving, full-time income doing what you love while helping others. 
-You’re a business professional looking to be into entrepreneurship. 
-Want to provide your clientele with top-notch fitness programs, nutrition and online support. 

Want to learn more? Ready to get started? FILL OUT THIS APPLICATION so we can connect and chat more about this great opportunity. ~Kendra~ 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Just 24 Hours in a Day

Do you ever look at successful people and just assume their road to success must've been easy?  Or see someone skinny at the mall and assume she can eat whatever she wants and somehow stay that way?  Guess what, we all have our own journeys and just because we may perceive perfection in other at first glance, there's generally a lot more hard work going on behind the scenes than we realize.  Success takes work, plain and simple!  Fitting workouts in to a busy schedule is tough, but if it's truly important to you, you'll find a way. 

Here's how I fit in my 2-a-day workouts: 

Monday-Friday (Thursday's my rest day): I wake up at 4:45am and take Noah (our Dorkie puppy) outside to eat, then I go get Zoey (our shihtzu) out of bed and feed her inside.  Then I gather us my workout stuff and some water and head outside to start my workout.  Mid way through I press pause whenever Zoey's done eating so she can get some outside time too. 

After that it's a full day of work.  After work, I come home and the hubs and I have dinner.  Then I spend 30mins to an hour hanging out with him relaxing and watching TV. Then, I set out our food and clothes for the next day.  I generally get my workout in around 6:30 or 7pm. Then, I shower and get ready for bed.  I'm in bed by 9:30pm most days so I will make sure and hear my early alarm. 

Weekends: On the weekends, my workouts are a little less planned.  My morning workouts are pretty much the same as weekdays, because Noah's so little that he generally wakes up at the same time ready to eat and go outside.   

My evening/afternoon workouts are more go with the flow.  I schedule them based on what plans we have.  If I know we're going out with friends or to a movie, I get my workout in during the early afternoon.  If we don't have plans that night, I wait till 7pm or so to workout, but no matter what I make sure to have a plan for the day. 

Remember, we all have the same 24 hours in the day.  How will you use your to get you closer to your goals?  ~Kendra~ 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Goals for October 2014

I wanted to share my goals with all of you to let you know what I'm working towards and to hold myself accountable.  Sharing and visulaizing your goals is a HUGE part of making them happen.  So here goes: 

Goals for October 2014 
Personal Goals: 
-        Do 2-a-day workouts 6 days a week. 
-        Loose 8lbs!!  ((115 BY January 2015)) 

Business Goals: 
-        Hit SC5 
-        Blog 3 times per week 
-        Start messaging people on Pinterest 
-        Get over 200 likes on my It’s My Evolution FB Like Page 
-        Add 3 new coaches 

I broke my goals down between personal and business related.  For personal goals, this month I am focusing on my workouts and weight loss.  I am so close to my ultimate weight loss goal...only about 20lbs away...but I've been holding between a 5lb range for quite a while and I need to break through!! :-) 

As far as my business goals go, I am working to really push my business to a new level this month.  I absolutely love helping people, but I noticed over the last few months I was slacking....I wasn't reaching as many people as I could and I wasn't helping enough people change their lives.  In September, I was 1 point away from hitting my Success Club goal, but this month I AM getting all 5 of those little points!! hehe  I'm also going to make sure that y'all are getting plenty of new content here on the blog and on my Facebook Like Page (PS: If you haven't checked it out yet, come on over and LIKE it!). 

What are your goals for October?  Share them below so we can encourage one another! :-)  ~Kendra~