
Saturday, December 13, 2014

My Story & the Beachbody Coaching Oppourtunity

Back in 2011, I was over weight, struggling with self doubt and staring at a scale that read 194.4lbs. I was smiley on the outside, but I would burst into tears at the smallest things, I was constantly stressed out and overwhelmed and I had yet to find God's calling for my life. I was basically completely lost.
In March of 2011, out of nowhere, I decided to make a BIG CHANGE....I started eating healthy, working out and eventually tried P90X. That's where it all changed. As I shed pounds and got healthier, I started to gain confidence and was waaay less tired and stressed. When looking for extra support during my 2nd round of P90X, I found my coaches blog and decided to become a coach....BEST decision ever. 

Coaching has really brought me FULL CIRCLE. Now, I get to help others, just like me, reach their own health and fitness I found IT...You know...the thing we always seem to be searching for...God's purpose for our was right there just waiting for me and NOW I want to share it with you!!!
-->>I am looking to personally mentor 5 NEW COACHES!<<-- p="">
I'll give you 100% by setting you up with training, weekly one-on-one calls, and all the support you need to be successful!! If you would like to get into the best shape of your life, and help your family and friends do the same, then I have an AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for YOU!
If you have an interest in learning more, comment below with your email and I will personally message you!   ~Kendra~

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