
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thinking about becoming a Beachbody Coach? getting a Beachbody def is NOT that simple, but having a supportive group of like-minded people who has similar goals can REALLY help keep you motivated and encouraged. 

When I started my own weight loss journey, I did it all on own....and let me just say staying motivated by myself was tough...when I joined the Bombshell Dynasty team and got a built-in group of encouragers and motivators, it pushed me to do my best and get my rear in gear. I set bigger goals and knew they wouldn't let me fail.

I'm opening up my next private, "What is Coaching?" group to 10 ladies who are ready to make a positive change in their lives, so f you're ready to take a leap of faith, then like this post or message me for details & i'll be glad to fill you in on everything you need to know about this upcoming group!! 

Does this sound like something you would like to do? 

If so, join me by completing this application. 

Then, create a FREE account so that I am your Team Beachbody Coach.

Start date is July 31st, so don't wait to get plugged in!!  ~Kendra~

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Personal Development: Find Some and Go For It

Do you read personal development books, watch videos or browse online articles? When I first started as a Beachbody coach, I wasn't 100% plugged in to personal development...I loved reading, but was never a fan of studying, which is what I... felt like it was. BUT THEN....I found people who's personal development lights a fire under me....people like Maria Forleo or Eric Worre...They have amazing videos and Eric has tons of free training material online. (LOVE THAT!!) I love watching videos and jotting down ideas and plans that stem from them. Videos feel way more fun and engaging for me! 

Check out these awesome sites for some Personal Development, if you're like me and LOVE videos: 

Network Marketing Pro-->> 
Marie Forleo-->> 
Chalene Johnson-->> 

Now I'd love to hear from you....In the comments below, let me know what type of Personal Development you LOVE?  ((Share in the comments!))  ~Kendra~

Monday, July 28, 2014

Beachbody Coaching- Is it the right fit for you?

When success is your only option it becomes the only thing that you can think about. TRUE? No matter if its your fitness journey or its the start of your own business you have this drive, motivation, focus and commitment to truly reaching your goals. You get your engine all revved up, you dream big, you set goals, you have this fire in your belly that you know some way, some how something great is about to happen to you. Then you sign up, you become a coach or join a challenge group and you feel on top of the World.

Then, it's time to get started!! (insert oh CRAP button). You freeze, you get scared, you literally have no idea where to go from here! There is this flood of emotion that comes surging into your body!

Common thoughts consist of:
  • What if I fail?
  • What if no one wants to join my group?
  • What if I annoy my friends?
  • I don't want to sell people stuff.
  • I'm afraid of what others will think of me?
  • I'm not at my goal weight.
  • I'm shy.
  • I don't know anything about social media.
  • I'm not a fitness professional or expert in nutrition.
  • I don't have enough time or money to get started.
Yes I've heard it all! I've been a Beachbody coach for less than a year, but even it that short time I've heard every single emotion possible either in my own mind or from the mind of my team! The ONE thing that seems to really hold people back from achieving success is the fear of failure! It seems to capture some people in a choke hold.....their mind literally stops them from progressing and moving forward. I've totally been there....scared to keep going, but let me fill you in on a little something...before I found Beachbody I was 194.4, on an emotional roller coaster and afraid to dream BIG...I've been there....but when I found P90X, I took a huge leap of faith and became a coach.  What a blessing it's been!!

Beachbody Coaching

Our society's norm is to get a job, work for a boss, complete the job description, collect a paycheck and go home! But what if there's MORE?.......What if you could be your own boss, choose your own  hours, build your own company, be truly passionate about your work and feel fulfilled in more ways that one?! 

Sounds like a pretty sweet deal right?!?!? To some yes and to others it' super scary. But that is why there are so many options in the world we live in. No matter what your personality type is there is a career path that fits who YOU are and what you enjoy! So if you find yourself sitting here reading this asking yourself if you would be good at it then you definitely need to find out more about it!! 

Why? Because, you don't ever want to wonder if it would of been the right fit for you! Honestly, if it ends up not being your thing then that is totally ok! But I believe in giving everyone a fair chance, with proper training, support, accountability and motivation!!! 

We're about to kick off with a 7 day group called What is Coaching?" so if you have no idea what Beachbody coaching is all about.....Then this is the perfect place for you to ask all your questions, get answers and to determine if our team is a good fit for you. Eeach day there will be a post on topics such as the compensation plan, how to become a coach when you aren't at your weight loss goal yet, how to coach and have a full time job, plus MUCH more.... 

So if want to check this out make sure that I'm your coach by going to MY SITE and creating a FREE profile.   Then request to join the event! We'll begin on July 31st. 

If you have been considering becoming a coach or you are just ready to jump right into the game then now is the time! I am kicking off  my 30 Day Coach Apprenticeship Program on August 11th.

I'm limiting this group to a select few new coaches that join MY team who are: 

-Committed to growing a successful business. 
-Dedicated to helping others achieve their health and fitness goals. 
-Are looking to earn extra or replace an income for themselves and their family. 
-Are truly looking for that passion in life that makes you excited to wake up each day and go to your job! 
-Are motivated, driven, and committed to really giving it your ALL! 

If you feel you have the ability to become a successful coach, then I am inviting you to complete the THIS application to be considered for a spot on mY team. The spots will fill up fast so don't delay. 

For the next 30 days you get daily, 24/7 access to myself, my closed online group, weekly mentoring calls and 1:1 calls to help you get started right! 

I'll teach you the crucial daily activities to focus your attention and energy on. We'll discuss how to invite, sharing versus selling, using social media to expand your market, how to take your every day life and turn it into your business. How to take your passion for helping others and make a profit. I am going to give you access to all of my training tools, resources, guides and more.  On our team, we share all are tools and tips with one another....together we are better!!

Getting started on the right foot is a BIG keys to success! 

If you want to be a successful coach and leader, if you want to help inspire others to change their lives, if you want to live a life by your own design then today is your day to dive in with both feet and join Team Bombshell Evolution.  ~Kendra~

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Clean Eating Schedule

I'm a pretty scheduled eater...of course, I don't eat when I'm not hungry, but I tend to stick with this schedule which keeps my metabolism flowing throughout the day.  Here it is:


So what do I tend to eat at those times?  Here's a sample menu....Check it out:  (I prep most of my food on Sunday, so they're easy to grab throughout the week.)

7am Breakfast: 
-Overnight oats with almond milk, chia seeds, a sprinkle of cinnamon & 2 tbsps of vanilla extract 
-A small banana or cup of grapes 
-1 glass of peach mango green tea 

10am Snack: 
-2 tbsps of Hummus 
-Gluten Free Crackers or Pretzels 

12pm Lunch: 
-Mixed, steamed veggies  (I love broccoli, baby carrots, shredded zucchini, 
-Small portion of sweet potato 
-A side of either ketchup, guacamole or hummus for dipping 
-1 glass of water 

2pm Snack: 
-Small piece of fruit 

4pm Snack: 
-Shakeology with water

  • 6pm Mid-afternoon:
    -4oz grilled boneless skinless chicken breast or turkey
    -1 cup steamed veggies 
    -1/4 cup of brown rice and quinoa
    -1 glass of water

  • 8pm snack:
    -2 tsps of nut butter 

Friday, July 25, 2014

What's Beachbody's NEW 3 Day Refresh?

Well, I'm glad you asked....

No matter how healthy we think we eat or how much we may exercise, there is ALWAYS an opportunity to improve, learn something new and better yourself! Whenever I challenge myself to track of my food and amp up my workouts I notice positive changes in my fitness, my energy level and basically how I feel each day. It's so easy to get side tracked. It starts with a little cookie dough ice cream here and a donut there and some wine with girlfriends and before you know it you feel like an overstuffed sausage! All the working out in the world isn't going to take away that bloated & sluggish feeling you get when your eating gets out of control! I know this because I've totally done over vacation and weekend road trips. 

3 Day Refresh Support and Accountability to change your lifestyle 

The 3 day refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss. You can quickly drop a few pounds, get rid of that yucky bloat and get right back on track! It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy levels up and your metabolism charging ahead. It is not a juice cleanse or fasting diet.....instead it's a healthy diet that is going to give your body dense nutrition vs crazy starvation. 

3 day refresh support and accountability group

Then, once we jump start our weight loss and clear out the junk, we can maintain our results and not fall back into old habits by continuing on for a full 21 days of clean eating! I don't want you to do the 3 day refresh and then just go back to what you were doing that got you into that bloated, yucky place. I want you to maintain your results and even make more progress. So for 21 days I am going to teach you how to meal plan, give you snack ideas, teach you the importance of proper nutrition, the fundamentals of clean eating and how to fuel your body for energy and not comfort. 


So how does this work? Well if I am not your Team Beachbody Coach then you would make me your coach. Contact me below by filling out the application to join! You are required to purchase the 3-day refresh challenge pack from me as your coach. Then, you are accepted into my closed online support group that will begin on the 14th of July.

We will start with the 3 Day Refresh then 21 days of replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, healthy eating and any exercise of your choice. It does not have to be a Beachbody Fitness Program, although I encourage you to do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week! :) 

Each day you will log into our private Facebook group for your daily health & fitness tip, motivation, inspiration and accountability. I'll share recipes along with ways to handle crazy sugar cravings, emotional eating and more. You'll be held accountable each day as you track your food and your workouts in the group! 

At the end of the 21 days, we'll measure our progress, submit our results and in 30 days you will have kicked bad habits, introduced new healthier habits and be on your way to creating life long journey of health and wellness...woohoo!!! 

Does this sound like something you would like to do? 

If so, join me my completing the application below. 

Then, create a FREE ACCOUNT so that I am your Team Beachbody Coach.

Free Team Beachbody Account, 3Day Refresh, 30 Day Clean Eating & Shakeology Support Group 

If you are anxious to get started then purchase your 3-day refresh challenge pack here and make sure to message me and I will add you to the group and get you up and running! 

Either way, the cut off for registration is August 1st so don't wait until the last second as spots are filling up FAST and you might miss an opportunity to truly transform your health and feel your best this summer! 

Stop saying you'll get started tomorrow, stop doing the same old thing and expecting different results....make it happen NOW! We only have today, your health, your choices and this ONE life! Having a family like mine, a mom with MS & a brother with a disability, has reinforced how important it is to take care of what we have! 

So whether you need a total overhaul or just a few tweaks in your approach to health and fitness now is your time! If you REALLY want this, trust me YOU can make some TIME to put yourself FIRST for just 30 minutes each day! 

Fill out an application HERE!!


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Slow & Steady Decorates The House

I really want to have the living room, kitchen and dinning room completed by our 1 year house anniversary.  I was looking at pics comparing the house we saw when we toured and the beautiful home we've made it.  Check out this difference:

To the area above I still wanna add a picture or 2 to the gallery wall and add a fun, bold colored dresser there for extra storage....then that area will be done.

My next goal is to complete the dinning room.  Checkout my DREAM dinning room:

Here's my wish list of items to make this work:

Silver Chairs- They have them at Target...Just $99 for 2 chairs
Teal Buffet- Thrifted and then paint 
White Built-ins-I plan to DIY this part, for sure!!
Coral Tiered dessert stand: I'm going to make this by spray painting 2 pie stands and placing them on top of one another.
Funky table runner in a darker teal color
Clear Flower vases-I'll be using vases from the candy buffet at our wedding
Display milk glass on the shelves: Have received a ton from family <3 font="">
Make a matching pillow for the head chairs- Another simple DIY project
Put fake pairs in my white bowl-I've seen fake fruit at Dollar Tree....score!! 
Get colorful plates to display on the shelves (thrifted) Coral, teal and mint 
Blue-ish jug-Already have one I purchased at Michael's

Who wants to see How To's for all those DIYs?  ~Kendra~

Monday, July 21, 2014

30 Day Beachbody Coach Training & Internship

I'm so blessed to have Beachbody in my life that I feel like I HAVE TO to share it with other people who are in the same boat I was & show them the ropes as they get started! 

About 4 years ago, I was working at my first post college job which I HATED! (I'm not a sales-woman and that cold calling and quota type stuff drove me nuts!)...about 60 lbs overweigh, had low self confidence, was overworked, underpaid & just a totally stressed out.

Beachbody has already helped me so much by providing income to pay for medical bills, and not only that, it's afforded me a pretty incredible oppourtunity to dream BIGGER than ever before, a positive outlook, AMAZING friendships and a very exciting future (I can acctually see myself getting to live my dream as a Stay At Home Mom.) While our little family only consists of Beau, our Shitzu->Zoey and myself...I feel like BIG things are is this little families future as it grows. 

My MOTIVATION is to pay it forward and share this incredible oppurtunity with others who are right where I was---A wall flower wanting, no NEEDING more out of life, wanting to loose weight and wanting to live the life of their dreams.

I may not have had the skills to be a business owner (General Studies major in college right here...woot, woot)...but I did have...PASSIONMOTIVATIONDETERMINATION & A desire to do MORE out of life!!

I SERIOUSLY believe this opportunity has been placed in my life so that I can share to help encourage and empower other women.  
You don’t have to have to know everything before you start...It takes a special kind of person who is willing to take a leap of faith & learn as they go! 

This incredible opportunity isn't for everyone....It's NOT for:
People who lack self-discipline, aren't willing to work hard, need everything planned out ahead of time, are unwilling to jump outside their comfort zone and who are unwilling to change.

You don't have to share the same story as me BUT I’m looking to connect with women who are JUST like me because I KNOW I can help them grown and I'll ENJOY working with them! 

I serious LOVE the Bombshell Dynasty and my growing team....Team Bombshell Evolution. Join my next New Coach Training & Internship by filling out this application HERE!! ~Kendra~

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The final results....Our Family Organization Wall

I posted an update last week....well, here's how it turned out:

I love it and love the banner (I'm a banner fanatic!)  My favorite part is probably the little Love Notes board my hubby and I write notes to each other on. <3 nbsp="" p="">
Here's a view of one side of our living can see the organization wall peeking out back there. :-D  I like to call my home decor style cottage crafty.  It's still a work in progress, but what do y'all think so far?  ~Kendra~

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Summer Shades Mani

I decided to pool my Facebook friends for nail polish ideas...I asked them to vote on these:

There was a tie between 1 and #3....I went with #1, but put my own spin on it.

Here's how it turned out:

I made the polkadots using the tip of a bobby pin and made the gold tip by swiping the gold polish sideways along my nail.  I really loved it and it's still intact 2 days later...Yay!! 

Who loves trying new nail designs?  What's your fav nail polish color....I'm always up for new suggestions. :-D  ~Kendra~

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A little be about me: My little family

I wanted to share a little more about me....not just fitness or fashion loving side, but my favorite little FAMILY. It's just me, my hubby and our pup Zoey.  So here's a little bit about us....

My hubby and I LOVE to of my BIG goals is to visit all the 50 states....together we've knocked out New Mexico (even though I'd already been there lol), California, Maine and New Hampshire. We also love long weekend trips like Austin, San Antonio, Fredericksburg and more...Texas has plenty of fun place to have an adventure.

Our pup, Zoey, loves to try and steal our food...Here she was staring down my nightly spoon full of PB.  It's like a little healthy dessert....yum!!

Here my hubs and I were celebrating the 4th of July in our new hometown.  Loved it!!

Zoey has some corky little eating her food is a silly way.  She takes 2 piece out into the middle of the living room, lays down next to them, eats 1 at a  time and then runs back to the kitchen to grab two more bites. 

Do you have pets in your family?  Are they like your little babies?  My hubby acts like it's silly, but he's totally in love with her just as much as I am. lol   ~Kendra~

Sunday, July 13, 2014

New Beachbody Coach Internship Starting August 11th

Do you have a passion for helping people and love health & fitness?

I am looking for 10 ladies to join me for my 30 Day Coaching Internship.

We'll Start on August 11th.

Do you posses leadership skills....are you motivated, driven and ready to push for more out of like? Ideally you will have some knowledge as to what Beachbody is or have experienced one of their programs at some point. If not, that's ok can learn as you go.

If you would like to:
- Help your friends and family get healthy & fit
- Have the opportunity to work for YOURSELF and/or work from home.
- Get in the best shape of your life.
- Be surrounded by some of the most incredible, motivating people you have ever met! The Bombshell Dynasty is an ahhmazing team of awesome ladies!
- Receive one on one personalized training's weekly.

I’m only taking 10 more individuals this month so act fast. You do NOT have to be a personal trainer or a fitness expert…You just have to LOVE helping people!!

This is is for new coaches only!!


Comment below with "applied" once you have!

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Progress of Our Family Organization Wall

There was a bare, blank wall between out kitchen and guest bathroom that was just begging to be used something practical and full of DIYs...Isn't ever wall asking for that? hahaha  Anyways, I decided to give this little wall just what it wanted and then some....

I created this draft of what I wanted to do based on materials and stuff I already had on hand or knew I wanted to pick up....

Then I created a wall that was NOTHING like it haha  I just feel so much BETTER when I have a plan....even if the end result looks nothing like the original thought.  It gets my brain flowing and gives me the confidence to think outside the plan, if that makes sense.

Before I share the final are a few things I created for the wall to make it fun & functional:

Our wall includes several DIY dry erase boards, so having markers at arms reach was essential to making sure this wall was functional and a REAL time saver.  I used a command hook, but added a pop of color by spray painting it coral.  I then created a fun pouch to store all our markers and pens.  Here's how I made it:

-Piece of burlap
-Strip of white lace
-Hot glue gun and glue sticks
-Ribbon in your color choice

1. Fold the burlap into a tube shape.  
2. Glue the side together to create a tube.
3. Glue the bottom edges together to create a pocket.
4. Roll over the top edge of the burlap.
5. Glue the lace around the top.
6. Glue the ribbon to the burlap to create a strap.

On to those dry erase boards I was talking about....there soooo simple to make!!  Here's how I did it:

-Picture frame
-Label (Stickers and scrapbook paper)
-Scrapbook paper
-Hot glue gun and glue sticks

-Create a fun label using sticker and scrapbook paper (I created 3 boards with the following labels: To Do, To Buy and This Week)
-Glue the label onto scrapbook paper.
-Frame the paper.
Simple as that.....great, right!

I purchased the chalkboard arrow at Walmart for about $2 and then drew the arrow onto it with a chalkboard marker I already had on hand.  I can't wait to share the finished product with y'all.

Do you have a family organization wall/area in your home?  How useful is it?  Lemme know in the comments below. :-D  ~Kendra~

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gluten-Free, Vegan Eating- Take 2

A little update on my new eating's going well.  The weekdays are super simple to stay on track since I preplan and make most of my meals ahead of time on Sundays.  The weekends are the part I've yet to master, but's a process and I'm not gonna pretend like it's simple from the start. ;-)  I'll get there, but converting my weekends will be a process.

Most restaurants we go to are NOWHERE near gluten-free, vegan approved. lol  We're in a small town so finding one close to us, probably won't happen.  My goal is to start researching the menus of the places we frequently go and pic out things that would keep me on track and fill me up.  I CAN DO THIS!!!  

I tracked another day of eating, so why not share it with all of goes:

1. Sugar-Free Apple Pie Chia Seed Jam & Breakfast Parfait-> Here's the recipe:

2. Crackers and hummus

3. Lunch Bowl which included black bean & quinoa salad, 1/2 a sweet potato, mixed veggies and a side of guacamole -> Based off this recipe:

4. Banana 

5. Spaghetti Squash and homemade sauce with green beans 

6. Banana & PB Mini Sandwiches

This was my FIRST TIME trying spaghetti squash and let me just say, it was YUMMY!!  Here's the recipe i used to create my gluten-free, vegan spaghetti sauce:

Have you ever tried spaghetti squash or made homemade sauce....I'd love to hear about it in the comments!! ~Kendra~