
Friday, July 25, 2014

What's Beachbody's NEW 3 Day Refresh?

Well, I'm glad you asked....

No matter how healthy we think we eat or how much we may exercise, there is ALWAYS an opportunity to improve, learn something new and better yourself! Whenever I challenge myself to track of my food and amp up my workouts I notice positive changes in my fitness, my energy level and basically how I feel each day. It's so easy to get side tracked. It starts with a little cookie dough ice cream here and a donut there and some wine with girlfriends and before you know it you feel like an overstuffed sausage! All the working out in the world isn't going to take away that bloated & sluggish feeling you get when your eating gets out of control! I know this because I've totally done over vacation and weekend road trips. 

3 Day Refresh Support and Accountability to change your lifestyle 

The 3 day refresh is designed to give you fast, clean, and efficient weight loss. You can quickly drop a few pounds, get rid of that yucky bloat and get right back on track! It's 3 shakes a day, a fiber drink, plenty of water, fresh fruits, veggies, and healthy fats so that you keep your energy levels up and your metabolism charging ahead. It is not a juice cleanse or fasting diet.....instead it's a healthy diet that is going to give your body dense nutrition vs crazy starvation. 

3 day refresh support and accountability group

Then, once we jump start our weight loss and clear out the junk, we can maintain our results and not fall back into old habits by continuing on for a full 21 days of clean eating! I don't want you to do the 3 day refresh and then just go back to what you were doing that got you into that bloated, yucky place. I want you to maintain your results and even make more progress. So for 21 days I am going to teach you how to meal plan, give you snack ideas, teach you the importance of proper nutrition, the fundamentals of clean eating and how to fuel your body for energy and not comfort. 


So how does this work? Well if I am not your Team Beachbody Coach then you would make me your coach. Contact me below by filling out the application to join! You are required to purchase the 3-day refresh challenge pack from me as your coach. Then, you are accepted into my closed online support group that will begin on the 14th of July.

We will start with the 3 Day Refresh then 21 days of replacing 1 meal a day with Shakeology, healthy eating and any exercise of your choice. It does not have to be a Beachbody Fitness Program, although I encourage you to do some form of physical activity for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week! :) 

Each day you will log into our private Facebook group for your daily health & fitness tip, motivation, inspiration and accountability. I'll share recipes along with ways to handle crazy sugar cravings, emotional eating and more. You'll be held accountable each day as you track your food and your workouts in the group! 

At the end of the 21 days, we'll measure our progress, submit our results and in 30 days you will have kicked bad habits, introduced new healthier habits and be on your way to creating life long journey of health and wellness...woohoo!!! 

Does this sound like something you would like to do? 

If so, join me my completing the application below. 

Then, create a FREE ACCOUNT so that I am your Team Beachbody Coach.

Free Team Beachbody Account, 3Day Refresh, 30 Day Clean Eating & Shakeology Support Group 

If you are anxious to get started then purchase your 3-day refresh challenge pack here and make sure to message me and I will add you to the group and get you up and running! 

Either way, the cut off for registration is August 1st so don't wait until the last second as spots are filling up FAST and you might miss an opportunity to truly transform your health and feel your best this summer! 

Stop saying you'll get started tomorrow, stop doing the same old thing and expecting different results....make it happen NOW! We only have today, your health, your choices and this ONE life! Having a family like mine, a mom with MS & a brother with a disability, has reinforced how important it is to take care of what we have! 

So whether you need a total overhaul or just a few tweaks in your approach to health and fitness now is your time! If you REALLY want this, trust me YOU can make some TIME to put yourself FIRST for just 30 minutes each day! 

Fill out an application HERE!!


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