
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Personal Development: Find Some and Go For It

Do you read personal development books, watch videos or browse online articles? When I first started as a Beachbody coach, I wasn't 100% plugged in to personal development...I loved reading, but was never a fan of studying, which is what I... felt like it was. BUT THEN....I found people who's personal development lights a fire under me....people like Maria Forleo or Eric Worre...They have amazing videos and Eric has tons of free training material online. (LOVE THAT!!) I love watching videos and jotting down ideas and plans that stem from them. Videos feel way more fun and engaging for me! 

Check out these awesome sites for some Personal Development, if you're like me and LOVE videos: 

Network Marketing Pro-->> 
Marie Forleo-->> 
Chalene Johnson-->> 

Now I'd love to hear from you....In the comments below, let me know what type of Personal Development you LOVE?  ((Share in the comments!))  ~Kendra~

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