
Monday, July 10, 2017

My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey: Week 2 Review

It's officially the start of Week 3, but before I can kick it into high gear, I've gotta share how last week went....

Starting Weight: 174 as of 6/26/17

Weight on July 2, 2017: 171

Current Weight: 168.6 as of 7/9/17

Pounds Lost: 2.4 Pounds

Overview of last week: (7/3/17-7/9/17) 

Still tracking my weight loss in my FatSecret App and here's how it panned out last week: 

Monday-  Yesterday I prepackaged all my snacks, oatmeal and tea/Stevia so it's all ready to grab and go.  (One of my goals for this week already accomplished...woohoo!) I'm excited for this week, but there are a few challenges with being off work Tuesday and having a 1/2 day Friday. Time away from the normal routine seems to make slip ups easier, but I am determined to stay on track!

This evening I went to the Chiropractor....honestly, because I forgot to cancel my monthly membership so I had 4 more sessions I needed to use. The chiro asked me why I'm canceling and then worked on my back so hard that I cried on the way home. He was all about giving me the tough sale. He's not the normal chiro I see at the office, but man, I am not looking forward to going back! No workout tonight so I can rest my back a bit after all that, whew. 

Tuesday-  We had to run some errands so we had our weekly cheat meal by indulging in yummy hamburgers and fries at Applebees.  It was delish!! Due to the sometimes craziness of being a new mommy, my workout just didn't happen last night. Eli decided not to go to bed till around 9pm....he normally is in bed around 7-7:30pm. On a good note though, my back is feeling a lot better today, thankfully. 

Other than the cheat meal at lunch, the rest of my food for the day was on point.  Oh and I haven't had any Sprite in a week and 1/2....woohoo! Sprite became an everyday indulgence during my pregnancy. 

Wednesday-  Back to work today after the holiday with my food all prepped to stay on track. Last night, for dinner, Beau made some delicious garlic chicken so, of course, I brought leftovers from that along with some spinach and peas for lunch today...yum!! Oh and I weighed myself this morning and I'm holding steady at 171.  I desperately need to get some workouts in this week so I hit my goal of 3 workouts and see the scale keep moving. 

The hubby had to work late tonight so I was in charge of making our fish for dinner...I sure wish I could've recorded it.  Picture me running around the kitchen like a mad woman trying to get everything prepped as fast as possible with a baby cry and a stressed out dog howling in the background.  It was a hot mess, but we got it done.  Then I nursed Eli and Beau made it home just in time to prep the veggies and plate the food.  Man, Eli and I would fall apart without my sweet husband!!

Good news: We made time for a workout tonight too....I always forget how much I enjoy P90X till I'm doing it.  It was such a good shoulder & arm workout. Gonna be sore tomorrow!

Thursday-  Woke up this morning and decided to do a weight check and, to my excitement, I'm down another pound. (4 pounds total so far since Day 1) Yay!! LOVE how the P90X meal plan is so easy to follow.  Stuck with the meal plan 100% again...Yay!  The hubs made some delicious tuna salad over spinach for dinner.  He said it was super simple and it was so good. After dinner, we put Eli to bed and then played a card game and seriously laughed until we almost peed our pants.  Nights like that are the BEST!  No workout, but we sure had fun together.

Friday-  Decided to check my weight again this morning and BOOM!!! I'm down another pound and I've hit 169....officially in the 160's and inching closer to my goals each day. AND when I put on my jeans this morning, they definitely have a gap and are starting to get loose in the tummy. Pre-pregnancy I was a size 4 so buying these size 12 jeans, a size I hadn't worn in over 6 years, was humbling to say the least. I know sizes don't matter and all that jazz, but, to be completely honest, getting back into the single digit sizes excites me.  I feel my best when I feel fit. With all these little successes lately, I feel much more confident in my ability to get fit again. Yay!!!

Tonight the hubs and I did the Body Beast Leg workout and my goodness, it was only like 35 minutes, but I seriously thought my legs were going to fall off. It was incredibly intense....especially since I have no worked out this hard since about a year ago. Whew!!  But we got through it and it sure felt good after we were done. 

To top off the start to the weekend, Baby Eli decided to sleep for like 13 hours....that's the longest he's ever slept.  It was pretty awesome!!

Saturday- The hubs and I had a super busy day running errands (Saturday is our 'get things done' day.) We went out for breakfast and I stuck to the meal plan: Oatmeal with strawberries & blueberries on top and egg whites. After breakfast we ran errands, got groceries and headed home. The hubs made chicken and veggies for lunch and then we had fish and veggies for dinner. We were planning to go to church that night, but somebody was tired and ready for bed so we got him to sleep and then went ahead and worked out instead.  

For our workout, we did P90X: Chest & Back, plus Ab Ripper. I did waaaay more push ups and pull ups than I was able to do last week, so that was awesome!  It was a tough workout, but it felt so good to feel the progress. 

Sunday-  We got up early, had breakfast and headed to church.  Stuck to the meal plan 100% again (Woohoo!). When I say my legs were sore this day, that's a complete understatement.  I felt like I had stiff robot legs and EVERY muscle in my legs was on fire.  Whew, it was tough. To make matters more was cardio day. AHH!!  Beau and I did P90X Plyometrics with tons of squats and lunges. In the beginning, I thought I was going to be crawling back in the house, but by the end the workout had managed to help lessen the soreness in my legs a ton.  Thank goodness!!  Yay for getting in 4 workouts this week and crushing my goal of 3! 

Goals for Week 3:

-Knock out 5 workouts. (Planning to do them Tues, Weds, Thurs, Sat & Sun)
-Only indulge in 1 cheat meal. (Planning on saving it for Parent's Night Out on Friday)
-Loose 2 more pounds.

Last week went pretty darn well and I'm hoping this week will keep that going. I have jury duty one day and then we have Parent's Night Out on Friday, but I should be able to stay on track regardless.  Plus, Beau and I just planned our first vaca as a family of 3....we're road tripping in September, so I wanna get as close to my goal as I can by then.  Even more motivation to stay on track!! 

How was your week last week?  Hit any goals or see progress?  Let's chat in the comments!