
Monday, July 3, 2017

My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey: Part 3

Welp, I did it....I survived Week 1 of P90X!!  The program it's self wasn't even the hardest part, it was actually the life that was happening around it.  Accepting my new postpartum body where it is right now, learning how to relax more (I'm generally a go-er...I like to constantly be doing something, but in this season of life I have got to get some mental rest time.) and the emotions around the loss of my brother that I've tried to keep deep down have managed to bubble over making me somewhat of a frazzled, hot mess, but I made it through the week.

I think my word for this season of life is myself grace and those around me. God gives it to us so freely and loves us in spite of all our faults and failures. Sometimes allowing that grace to soak in can be so tough, but I've realized that's where I'm struggling so it's time to work on letting grace win out.

Now it's on to Week 2, but first let's do a little recap of how things are going so far:

Starting Weight: 174

Current Weight: 171

Pounds Lost: 3 Woohoo!!!

I'm keeping track of my weight loss on the Fatsecret app....I stopped tracking my food there though, because I'm eating a lot of the same stuff and I'm not tracking calories any more. I'm just following the P90X meal plan.

Overview of last week:  

Monday- WOW....I knew I was out of shape, because I hadn't worked out much at all over the last year, but I couldn't even do 1 assisted pull up. That was humbling!! BUT I kept trying and did my best. We worked out earlier in the evening and it was so scalding hot in our garage that we only last 20 mins, but I decided to be ok with that....because I knew if I let it get me down, I might just stop trying all together and I definitely don't want that.  This is also the first day I stuck to healthy eating 100% so I still have plenty to be proud of.

Tuesday-  What a whirlwind day this was....I had a super emotional day missing my brother, the dogs were beyond horrible and everything ran late.  We ended up eating Mexican food and skipping our workout, because by the time we were actually able to fit in a workout it was almost 8:30pm and I have to wake up a little after 4am, so that was a no go.  My meal plan was pretty good though, minus the Mexican food for dinner.

Wednesday- Stuck to my meal plan 100%....woohoo!!! Feels sooo good to know I'm sticking with it (even after the dinner the night before). This time, the hubs and I managed to complete the ENTIRE workout and my arms felt so sore in a good way. I oddly missed that after workout burn.  I think I could even up my weights from 5-10lbs on some of the exercises next week.

I also said no to cupcakes at work today and was pretty proud, because pregnant Kendra probably would have had 2. HAHA  Progress is happening in little choices each day.  Ohh and I also got a ton of encouragement from my last blog post today and that really motivated me.

Thursday-  Another day of sticking to my meal plan 100%. The hubs made BBQ baked chicken breast for dinner and they sure hit the spot.  I've also been saving my serving of dairy for an after dinner dessert of strawberry banana yogurt the past few days and that's really helped to keep the evening hunger at bay.  Breastfeeding was making me so hungry in the beginning that I morphed into a late night snacker....brownie bites, fruit snacks, chocolate milk, etc.  No more middle of the night junk food for this girl!!

At work, I chatted with someone, who didn't know me prepregnancy, when she saw my ID badge she gasped "That's you?! You were so tiny!"  ('WERE' being the operative  It honestly felt like a gut punch to be reminded of how far I still have to go, but it was also extra motivation to keep moving forward.

Yoga was on the workout schedule for this day, but I took the day off to watch a movie with the hubby and get in bed by 8:30pm....and I'm not gonna lie, it felt soooo good!

Friday- I decided to weigh myself first thing this morning and was stoked to see 171.6lbs on the scale, It's actually moving in the right direction. This was just the motivation I needed before kicking off the weekend! ((And to help me say NO to the free Chickfila everyone's having today at work.) Stuck to my meal plan 100% yet again...yay!

Saturday- Went out for breakfast with the hubs and instead of indulging I just got oatmeal, a cup of fruit and some egg whites.  So yummy!  No workout, but my meal plan was on point. The day kind of flew by so I ate one snack in the car on the way to church and another during church, but hey, I was hungry! lol

Sunday- Weighed in this morning and I lost .6 more lbs for a total of 3 pounds this week. Such an awesome start!! So excited I've stuck with it...makes me so motivated to keep it up.  The hubs and I went to Target and I got 3 new workout outfits and 2 new sports bras to celebrate and tide me over till I loose more and my pre-pregnancy workout clothes fit again. Such a great end to Week 1!

We also got the Ninja Cooking System while we were at Target.  We have a Ninja blender already and love it.  The hubs has been doing the majority of the cooking since Eli made his debut and he was wanting something that would add variety to our healthy meals while saving time too.  If you'd like me to do a review, let me far we're loving it!  We had steamed fish for dinner using it last night and it was delish!!

This week we only ate out twice, which is a great start, and one of the times I even stuck to the meal plan. Got in 2 workouts and saw the scale move in the right direction.  Looks like the plan is working...Yay!

Goals for Week 2:

-I want to prep all my snacks and oats ahead of time on Sunday so that's one less thing I have to do in the evenings.  That means getting serving sizes for everything and then putting it all in individual Ziploc bags to grab and go.  Anything I can do to save time on week nights it HUGE!!

-Get in at least 3 workouts or more. Last week I did 2 so this week adding in one more would be great!

-Only eat out once.  Last week we ate out twice, but other than that I stuck to the plan 100%.

-Drop 2 more pounds!

I can't wait to see what this week has in store and hope you'll stick around to see right along with me!  Are you currently on your own weight loss journey?  What workouts are you doing, if any?  What does your meal plan consist of?  Let's chat in the comments!

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