
Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Day in My Mom Life

I love organization, planning and just having a general rhythm to my day….and I’m sure there’s gotta be other moms out there who do too.  Well, strap in, because we’re about to go through a typical week day for me as a new mom.  To tell you my routine has changed doesn’t even scratch the surface, but getting organized and generally sticking to this flow (plus numerous iPhone alarms for everything) really helps me feel like I’ve got a handle on all the crazy that now fills my days.  

So let’s get right to it, shall we?

Around 3am: Elijah wakes up on his own. I change his diaper, breastfeed him and then get him back into his crib.

3:45am: Do a 30 minute workout…lately I’ve been doing Hip Hop Abs. The key for me is wearing my workout clothes to bed so I have no excuse. Lol

Once my workout’s done, I start getting dressed for the day.

4:30am: Wake up the hubby and give him a 10min warning

4:40am: Get the hubs outta bed and finish getting ready.

5am: Cook breakfast for the hubby, pack our lunch bags and Eli’s diaper bag.  Then put our bags in the car so they’re ready to go.

5:30am: Make Eli a bottle and pick out his clothes.

5:40am: Wake up and feed Eli.

6am: Change Eli’s diaper, get him dressed and then have a mini photo shoot.

6:10am: Head out the door with Eli in tow.

6:30am: Drop Eli off at daycare and jet. (Still haven’t managed to pull of my work commute fast enough to get there on time...but I’m improving!)

7am-4pm: (I usually get there at 7:10am) Work! I also pump at 8:45, Noon and 3pm.

4pm: Go pickup Eli from school.

5pm: Get home and have dinner (The hubs been amazing about making dinner lately. It’s soooo helpful!!)

6:30pm: Get Eli in his pajamas, feed him and put him to bed.

7:30pm: Get ready for the next day- wash Eli’s bottles and my pumping supplies, prep lunch for the Hubs and I, pick out my clothes, shower, etc. Then, if time allows, enjoy a little Netflix, which is a lot more rare since I’ve returned to work.

Around 9pm or 9:30pm: Go to bed

Eli generally sleeps though the night, but the last 2 days, he’s decided to have a little snack around Midnight….so I’m up for about an hour feeding him & getting him back to bed.
Then we start back again at 3am. J

After writing it all down, it sounds like A LOT….I mean my time is all accounted for, which is something that didn’t happen nearly as much pre-baby. There was a lot more Netflix and a lot less rushing, but you know what.  I’d choose this version of life every time!

Hope you enjoyed following along a day in my life!

Let's chat in the comments: Does your day follow a similar routine or are you more go-with-the-flow? How has your routine changed since a baby came into the mix?  I'd love to hear all about it!

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