
Monday, December 7, 2015

Don't quit your daydream!

If you're anything like me, you LOVE making list of dreams, goals, things you'd love to accomplish, but without lots of work behind the scenes those dreams won't come to fruition. Well, guess what, now is your behind the scenes's the end of a new year and a fresh start is right around the corner.  

Now is the time to dream even bigger and put in the work to make those goals MORE than just dreams, but morph them into reality.

Later this month I'll be sharing some of my big goals for 2016 with all you, because, of course, I want y'all to be along for the ride every step of the way....but today, let's take a second to look back on 2015 and celebrate one thing that often goes without fanfair.  What's the ONE thing?  

Well, pretty simply it's just the plain old fact that YOU did NOT quit.  You're still here. You're still pushing toward your goals...whether part of that is getting healthy and fit or defining your unique style so closet morning melt downs become a thing of the past.  

So as you set your intentions for what you want 2016 to be, I want you to give yourself a pat on the back...maybe even throw yourself a dance party to celebrate, because you have NOT given up.  And that truly is a HUGE part of getting to your goal. 

So here's my little celebration extravaganza for all that 2015 has had to offer for me and the It's My Evolution brand.....a little 2015 highlight reel, if you will. ;-)

-Officially launched a new website HERE. 
-Expanded to Instagram (our absolute fav place to hangout now).  
-Launched It's My Evolution's monthly thrifty subscription box.
-Completed a 30 day Reboot
-Became a vegan.
-Travel a lot for FREE through my social media job. (San Bernardino, Laguna Beach, Seattle, Chicago (twice), Phoenix, Minnesota, Atlanta)
-Searched for & officially started working with a business coach...AHH!! 
-Completed several workout programs: 21DFX, BBL, Hip Hop Abs, & more
-Joined in on the local blogging fun with Dallas Fitness Ambassadors & Dallas Blogger Collective

Plus lots more fun things including time with my hubby, puppy adventures & more.  I can't wait to share what all is in the works for 2016....YAY!!!

What accomplishment are you most proud of in 2015? 
I'd love to hear all about it, so be sure to share yours in the comments!! ;-)


  1. What a great year indeed for you. Looking forward to following your journey. My goal is to really hammer out the little details in order to take my blog to the next level. Cant wait!

    1. Yes, the details are where it's at for sure!!! Can't wait to celebrate what 2016 has in store for us :-D
