
Friday, October 23, 2015

Vegan Travel Adventures: Seattle, WA Edition

Last Friday I went out of town guessed it, Seattle, WA for a weekend work trip.  I am beyond thankful that my job has allowed me to travel so much this year.  I've checked states off my list and am that much closer to knocking out all 50 states (One of my top 100 goals).  Yay!!  Traveling as a vegan can be overwhelming if you're new to it, like me, but it doesn't have to just takes a little Googling and creativity. ;-)

Before leaving work to head to the airport, I checked the airport website to see what healthy options they had near my terminal.  I've found that Mexican resturants generally have a lot of good vegan options, so when I saw Cantina Laredo was near my gate I was excited!!  I googled "Vegan Options at Cantina Laredo and found out their avocado enchiladas were vegan (just ask for no sour cream of cheese on top). 

I also had some tortilla chips and salsa....their salsa is so yummy and not too spicy.  After lunch, I headed to my terminal and waited to board the plane.  

The flight was pretty long, but luckily we got a newer plane with lots of leg room, and new dvd players in the back of every seat.  I read some of the Carrie Diaries before take-off and then watched a few TV shows during the flight. 

Once we landed, a co-worker and I grabbed a taxi and headed to our hotel to check-in.  Oh my goodness, those Seattle views were ahhhhmazing!  I decided to go it alone for dinner so I took an uber to check out a vegan restaurant, The Plum Bistro.

The Bistro had an edgy vibe....waitresses in all black with gauge earrings and tatoos, definately different than my normal routine. haha  They were all super friendly and the food....Oh the food!!  This vegan veggie pizza was to die for.  I could only eat 1/2.  (Saved the other 1/2 for a snack on Saturday lol)

After dinner, I headed back to the hotel and crashed.  Had to hit the sack early since I had to work the next morning.  

On Saturday morning I had to be downstairs ready to head to work at 7:45 so I woke up at 5am and got a quick workout in.  I LOVED that their gym had free headphones, fruit and waterfront views.  Plus, it was right next to their indoor-outdoor should've brought my swimsuit!!

After my workout, I hit up the hotel's resturant from a yummy fruit bowl with nuts and some orange juice.  I got it from the buffet, but the sweet waiter gave me a discount since all I got was fruit. lol  #VeganPerk

After breakfast, I has to work from 9am-4pm....the event went really well and I got tons of work done.  #WinWin Only downside was that they didn't have any vegan lunch options at the event, but I had snuck some free fruit from the gym into my work bag so I had that to tide me over....BUT whew, I was so hungry after work!!

After the event, we went back to our hotel to change and then we all headed out to dinner right off Pudget Sound.  Our hotel was waterfront. (SOOOOO thankful for my job right about now!!)

Everyone wanted to hit up a seafood place.  Luckily they had a vegetarian sandwich option so I just nixed the dressing and cheese and BAM it was a vegan sandwich.  Yay!!  

After dinner, one of my coworkers and I headed out to ride the giant wheel which is a newer part of the Seattle skyline.  

The views from the top were so awesome...I didn't have enough time to visit the Space Needle, but I got some great pictures of it during our ride....Yay!!

Sunday it was time to head home, but I had slept in my workout clothes so I decided to just get in a quick 15 Min Ab Ripper workout and check out the awesome indoor-outdoor pool. 

After my workout, I got dressed and then had breakfast at the hotel:

Whole Wheat Toast, Avocado, tomato and a bowl of fruit....Yummy!!!

After breakfast, I relaxed in my room for a bit, texted my hubs and then we all headed to the airport.  Got a couple more shots of the pretty landscape on the way.

At the airport, I had lunch and grabbed some snacks for the plane:

Vegan Chocolate and a little snack box....the flight was long so I totally needed the fuel! ;-)

Made it back home around 6pm....whew, what a fun whirlwind of a weekend!!

What do you have planned for this weekend?  Any fun trips coming up?


  1. Wow. Sounds like a fun trip. You can eat healthy while traveling. That veggie pizza looks AMAZING!!

  2. You make me want to jump on a plane to Seattle immediately!
