
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Juice Fast: Day Sixteen

Officially over the 1/2 way mark....and I'll be honest the weekend trip and feeling not so great yesterday had me wanting to throw in the towel.  I have a headache in the afternoon and my right knee, hip and wrist were all really sore....probably a combo of working out and walking around the outlet mall for like 9hrs straight.  

When cleansing, rest is sooooo important and I, for sure, didn't get enough of that this past weekend, BUT I did have such a fun time that it was worth it!! ;-)  So let's rewind and start Day 16 from the's how it went:

Woke up at my normal 4:15am and knocked out my Hip Hop Ab workout....OOO and I got my FREE shorts in the mail for finishing Brazil Butt Lift and sharing my results on Beachbody's website....seriously, every time you finish a workout program from Beachbody they send you free workout gear.  It's awesome!!

After my workout, I got ready for work, ironed my hubby clothes, made him breakfast, packed out food for the day and we headed out the door.   Here's what I wore:

Printed Top- $3.99 at Goodwill in OKC
Tank Top- $2 at Rue 21
Dark Denim- $7.90 at Forever 21 in OKC (My go to place for inexpensive comfy jeans)
Brown Sandals- $12 at Payless
Key Necklace- $2.99 at Forever 21 in OKC
Gold Diamond Stud Earrings- Came in a set for about $3.50 from Charming Charlie
Bracelets- Charming Charlie & Target Style

After work, the hubs and I went on a random Monday night date....luckily I brought some extra juice along.  He had Italian food and I sipped on my green juice. It was a nice little treat to get out after work on a Monday...we normally do date nights out on Thursdays. 

After our date, we headed home and were both so worn out that we quickly got our pjs on and planted ourselves on the couch...we watched Jeopardy, Family Fued and a little Big Bang Theory....then while I was dozing off he watched some Mondy Night Football. 

I think my body was really trying to heal itself, because I was worn out...had a headache and I was just overly right hip, knee and wrist all hurt.  I fell asleep on the couch and never moved! haha  BUT I think that's good, because I think that means the cleanse is doing it's's repairing my body which had been so weak, drained of energy and prone to getting sick way too often.  

We'll see how it goes as I keep on trucking along...

What else would you like to know about juicing other than how it fits into my routine?  Would you like to see a how-to or recipes? Let me know in the comments!!

PS:  I'm officially down exactly 15lbs as of the day this is posted...woot, woot!

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