
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

My Juice Fast: Day 6-9

Hope y'all had a great long weekend!!  Our little family (The hubs, me and our two furbabies) headed out to see his MeMe and spend a little time in his hometown.  It's always nice to spend a weekend there, because the drive isn't too far and it's a lot of simply relaxing....sleeping in, good conversation and catching up with family.  LOVE times like that! 

Here's a recap of Friday, Day 6:

On Friday I stayed on track with juicing & my workout routine....even when the hubs & I both got off early and went on an unexpected day date and shopped a bit.  I had packed all my juices for the day in a cooler, so I simply snuck a juice into the movie theater and had that instead of my regular candy or popcorn with Sprite Zero.

Here's a recap of Saturday, Day 7:

On Saturday, I woke up and worked out.....then we headed out of town to spend a little time with my hubby's MeMe.  She cooks an amazing breakfast spread and goulash that is ahhhmazing, but I said no to all the food and honestly it wasn't hard.  

I brought a cooler on our trip stocked with a few juices, fruits and veggies.  Then the hubs took me to the store to stock up on spinach and coconut water for the weekend.  So thankful that he's fully supportive of me trying this!!

During lunch, while they ate I went thrift shopping and snagged a few things for MeMe and some awesome stuff for me too!! Plus, they were having a sale where all red tags were 99cents so of course, I only got stuff with a red tag!! 

Now that I have stuck with this for a whole week and really thought about what I ate before and how putting healthy foods into my body has made such a positive difference....I honestly don't think I want to go back to eating out more than eating dinner at eating tons of processed food that was having too many treats.  Nope, this little journey is inspiring me to make BIG changes and continue them for the long haul.  

Here's a recap of Sunday, Day 8:

  On Sunday, we had a fun day with MeMe......I started my day off with some tv shows and then a hot bath, chocolate coconut water and a little Ellie & Jared.  (If you haven't seen their Youtube channel, check it out....they're adorable!!)

Around lunch time, some more family came over to visit.  Poor Noah is terrified of new people....he barks, he hides, he needs me to hold him while keeping an eye on the invaders the whole time. haha  He was NOT a fan!!  But we had a great time catching up with everyone...I got to share a bit about juicing, my Breville and how my journeys been so far which was fun.

After they left, we packed up our stuff and the pups and headed back home.  When we got home I rested a bit and then headed to the grocery store to stock up on juicing supplies and coconut water for the week.  The grocery trip made me a little late for my last juice of the day so I was HUNGRY!  Had my last juice and fell asleep on the couch watching Netflix with the hubs.  We love our Netflix ok?  Don't judge....hahaha

Here's a recap of Monday, Day 9:

On Labor Day, I woke and got a quick 30 min Hip Hop Abs workout in and once the hubs woke up I made us both juice for breakfast.  After breakfast, we relaxed on the couch in our PJs till about lunch time.  We both had another juice and then finally got dressed for the day.  Hey, days off are supposed to be lazy, right?!

After we got ready, we headed out to hit up a little shopping center that has a book store & Charming Charlie right next to each other.  I shopped for jewelry and a few clothing items while the hubs got the 1st season of Big Bang Theory & a new book.  

After that we headed to Freebirds, because he was hungry.  I sipped on my 2pm juice while he ate.  I love that I haven't let juicing slow me down from going out on dates with him or hanging out with people.  Some people say they feel less social on a juice cleanse...NOT me!!  I think if you push outside your comfort zone and just plan well, you can make it work. 

After lunch we went to the mall for a little more shopping and then finished off our day date with a trip to the store to get a few more things we needed for the week like paper goodness, juicing has made me go through paper towels so much faster! haha  

Now I want to share my results so far (Gosh, I can't even imagine the changes at the end):

First, the stats:
As of the day of this post, I've lost about 13pounds and over 8inches.

Thanks for following me on my juicing journey....and I hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend!!

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