
Thursday, July 2, 2015

7 Day Feel Good Blogging Challenge-> DAY TWO

That's right, it's Day Two of the 7 Day Feel Good Blogging Challenge by Alex Beaden and today I'm sharing my entrepreneurial story-->> What drew me to entreprenuership, what challenges I faced, how I've overcome them, getting clients and my biggest lesson thus far.
I've always had the entreprenuerial High School I started my swim team's 1st ever cheerleading sqaud, in college at Texas Woman's University I helped start the 1st ever cheerleading squad called the Trailblazers.....TWU doesn't have football, but we had tons of other sports worth cheering for!!  In highschool I started my own philanthropy platform called Purse Pals, where I personally mentored young girls for a lower income school district, took them shopping and gifted them a purse with full of goodies. From lemonade stands to nonprofits, I just loved to create ideas and jump in head first to get them off the ground. 
Post college, I faced the normal challenges and pressures to conform to the normal 8-5 corporate America lifestyle.  I do have a 9-5 social media job now, but I am also living out my entrepreneurial dreams one step forward at a time.  What really held me back, before going full force with It's My Evolution, was my own self-doubt, insecurities and my old wall-flower ways. 
As silly as it can sometimes seem...personal development, plugging into mentorship opportunities with amazing leaders and words of affirmation have really helped me change my mindset and seriously-->>> When you change your mindset, you change your life!!
The way I've gained clients for It's My Evolution and have really began to grow my tribe is by sharing....sharing my health & fitness journey, sharing my outfits each day, sharing my struggles, sharing my faith....really JUST sharing me and who I am.  When I learned to be authentically me and not a copy-cat version of all the other girls around me, that's when my passion really ignited and I was able to push fear aside and start kicking my goals into high gear.
The biggest lesson I've learned so far is to NOT let fear or self-limiting beliefs hold you back.  Once I let go of my doubt and just assumed I can and will get to my goals....I felt free and have been able to share unapologetically and it sure feels good to be able to just be ME!

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