
Monday, May 25, 2015

Starting Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix

Here's a little review of Week One:
-Lost 3lbs
-Tried wrapping my tummy for the 1st time.
-Did every workout on the schedule...woot, woot!
-Ate out a little too much....opps!
-Took the pups for a walk one night.
-Woke up at 4:15am every day and my workouts rocked thanks to E&E

Moving in to Week Two, I am so excited to see how it the hubs and I are starting to workout together in the evenings again.  :-)  I LOVE working out with him!!

My goals for this week:
-Get my workout in every day
-Lose 2lbs
-Stick to the meal plan & only eat out twice (that's a tough one!)

What are your goals for this week?  ~Kendra~

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