
Monday, May 18, 2015

Beachbody On Demand-> It's my JAM!!!

I have gone through a few portable DVD players in the last wore out, Noah chewed through a cord (or two) and I am NOT going to purchase another one any time soon.  The only thing I used it for was my workouts, so now (thanks to Beachbody On Demand) I've been using my Mac Book Pro and LOVING it!!!  No DVDs to lug around and no useless electronics involved.

If I feel like a dance workout, I'm covered:

If I wanna kick it old school, they've got that too:

Or if I wanna try a newer workout that's just 21 Days, that's an option as well:

And thanks to the awesome trainers and great workouts, the results WILL come if you're consistent and give it your all....., what are you waiting for?  NOW is a great time to get started with Beachbody On Demand through the Team Beachbody Club Membership!! :-) The 1st 30 days are FREE so if you're not as in LOVE with it as I am, you can cancel before the 30days is up and not get charged. ((Gotta love a good garuntee!)) 

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