
Friday, May 22, 2015

21 Day Fix- Starting A New Round

Just started a new round of the 21 Day Fix workouts and I've done 4 days so far. ((It's Day 5 now.))

Gosh, I LOVE this program-->>  It's challenging, fun and GETS you results in JUST 21 days.  It's crazy!

Here's how it's going so far:

Day One-> Worked out on the patio in our backyard on a rare non-rainy morning.  The rain has been coming down nonstop in Texas this year.  So weird!!

Day Two- Lucked out with another patio workout.  Don't you love it when the workouts so tough that the cool down is such a relief. :-)

Day Three- Had to move my workout in doors.  Worked my arms & my legs were so sore I felt like I was waddling all day. haha

Day Four- My little, teeny baby abs sure did feel the I had a lovely little cough that gave me an extra reminder of their soreness every 5 seconds.  Good times!
What workout are you currently doing?  Have you ever tried the 21 Day Fix?  Share below! ~Kendra~

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