
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

P90 Meal Plan in Action

I am LOVING the P90 meal plan. You start by using the super-simple calorie target calculator to find the calorie range you should be sticking to every day. Then the nutrition guide provides a bunch of recipes and snacks along with the corresponding calories for each meal. All you have to do is choose the meals and snacks you like that fall within your calorie range and BAM…you have your meal plan for the week!
I’m changing it up a bit each day, but here’s what I ate on Sunday so you can see what a day of the P90 meal plan looks like:
Breakfast- Chocolate Shakeology & pineapple
Snack- 100 calorie pack of Almonds
Lunch- Egg Salad Wrap (Not pictured-Whole Wheat Tortilla)
Snack- Popcorn
Snack- Asparagus Spears dipped in Hummus
Dinner- We had breakfast for dinner:  Spinach and goat cheese omelet with toast & jelly
Remember, your eating account for 80% of your results….so cleaning up your eating habits will make a HUGE difference!!! ;-)
Who has a goal of eating healthy in 2015?  If you're struggle or just need some more meal ideas, I'll be hosting a FREE 7 day clean eating challenge on Feb. 9th.  Comment below or message me on Facebook if you'd like to join in!!

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