
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge

So, I've decided to join "The Spring Fever Challenge" and hope some of you will join in with me!!!!
This Week's Questions:

1. What are your goals for the Spring Fever Challenge?
2. Why did you choose them?
3. What is your plan of action to make them happen?

GOAL ONE:  Really take pride in every loss instead of letting negative thoughts flood through.  Yes, it may only be .5lbs or 1lb.  As long as I stay on track on follow my healthy eating and exercise plan, I will reach my goals.

GOAL TWO: Workout at least 4 times per week.  I just started the C25K Program, so that's 3 days per week already covered.  I also plan to either walk or do the elipitical the other two days.  Then I am leaving 2 days (Saturday and Sunday) open for rest if needed.

GOAL THREE: Continue to follow the advice of my weightloss doctor and go to monthly appointments at his office to check on my progress.  If he has ideas, I will be open to listen and give them a try.

GOAL FOUR: Save money, so I can start grad school soon.  I am determined to get my MBC in HR Management.  My parents were so wonderful to help me with my undergrad, but I plan to pay for my MBA on my own. :)  (Yay,  So, I really need to get my saving up, so I won't have to take out any loans in the process.
GOAL FIVE: Do my first 5K. I am signed up to walk in a 5K, but I wanna run in one.  I was never a runner, but since eating healthy something inside me has been begging me to try here I go!! :)  I think it's gonna be fun and I can't wait for this one

4. What does this challenge mean to you?

This challenge is going to motivated and on track with my overall health, weightloss and goals even when I want to give up, because it will allow me to make friends and get to know others who are going through the same trials and victories as I am! :)
5. Fun Question of the Week: Let's get to know each other! What is something most people (er... fellow bloggers) don't know about you?
My brother and I have the same birthday....but we're not twins. :)  My little brother (Well, he's 22) is 3 years younger than me and he was the greatest birthday present I've ever recieved!!!!!

To join this challenge with me go to  She's an awesome weightloss blogger and I am so glad I recently discovered her page! :)    ~Kendra~

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