
Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge: Week 3

1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
  • I walked and ran in my first 5K, also went to a new Power Yoga workout class, met a new workout friend and also found out about a P90x-like workout class near my job on Thursday evenings.
2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?

  • The thing I did for myself this week was making Saturday a me day.  
  • Started by participating in the 5K. 
  • Then went shopping....I went to the mall, took my time and got some really cute wedges. *Bonus-They were on sale for $6. :) 
  • Ended the day by going on a double date with my bf and my college bestie and her hubby.  It was greatness we spent hours in the restaurant talking, laughing and catching up. Loved it!!  So glad she moved back to Texas!!!
3. Are your SFC goals your ultimate goals or steps to your ultimate goals? Do you find it easier to set big goals or do you like making mini-goals?

  • They are steps toward my ultimate goal....staying on the right track with food and exercise will help me reach my ultimate goal weight and just become healthier overall.  My ultimate goal is to live a healthy lifestyle and to be proud of my body and what I put in it. :)
4. What are some of your ultimate goals, things on your bucket list?

I want to.....
  • Further my education....I'm kind of divided between pursuing an MBA in HR Management or a Masters in a Nutrition/Health related program.
  • Get a house, so my dogs can have a big backyard to play in.  (Love my apartment for now though!)
  • Get married and have children.
  • Go to New York and attend some fashion related events.
  • Visit all 50 states.
  • And much more....... :)
Fun Question: If you could achieve only one more thing in your life, what would it be?

  • Having a family of my own....I have always dreamed of having children.  My parents were always amazing and I would just love to share a love like they have and build a life with someone. :) 

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