
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Spring Fever Challenge- Week 2

This Week's Questions:

1. What have you done this past week to help you achieve your goals?
  • This week I started working on the C25K, which was good, because it allowed me to see I really can run.  After doing that I decided I wanted to run more on my own...instead of using that program, so I also started running with my dog, Jackson, who really pushed me to keep going even when I wanted to stop.  All in all, can't wait till I run in a race...I know I can do it!!! :)  Yay, Im a runner (Kinda...hehe)
2. What did you do this past week to make you feel good about yourself?
  • I bought a summer dress that is spaghetti strap and it was great to feel confident showing my arms :)  Yay!!  Also, got a yoga mat and a new workout tee :)
3. Is your mindset future-oriented or living in the now? How does this impact you when you are working towards a goal?
  • I think I am a mixture of both....I am really trying to get healthy and to a weight I'm comfortable for my present life, because I want to be confident in professional clothes and I want to present myself the best I can...since Im still in the new stages of my career.  I'm also looking to the future, by learning what healthy really is and making changes I will be able to stick to and making exercising and nutrition part of my life, not just something I have to fit in.  I love it...I enjoy eating healthy and working out. 

4. Is there someone in your {real} life that inspires you to strive for the best?
  • This would most definately be my mom. She's such an inspiration to me!!!  Not only does she get super excited every morning when I (ussually wake her up) and tell her how much I've lost that day.  She is also such a strong person....She has Multiple Sclerosis, a child with Downsyndrome (my little brother) and through it all is an AMAZING Christian woman who loves with all her heart.  I can't imagine my jounrey without her cheering me on! :) 

5. Fun Question of the Week: Do you read blogs on the individual websites or via Google Reader?

  • I read them from by Blogspot dashboard, so is that google reader?  I dunno lol.  But that's how I do it.  Then I find new people, by reading comments on the blog I following and visiting their pages. :)

Last, but not are my adorable pups.  Zoey, the shitzu and Jackson, the Jack Russell mix.  They are both a little over 3yrs old and I love love love them! My boyfriend bought Zoey for my birthday one year....then after a couple months we thought she was lonely, so we got Jackson.

Jackson's so tired after the haircut and visit to the dog park yesterday lol
Hope you all have a great week next week!!  Also, checkout my Youtube channel  I will be posting a giveaway video later today, because I have over 100 subscribers on my channel...Yay!!!  ~Kendra~

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