
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wow....1 More!! :)

You can probably tell from the title....I weighed my self this morning and lost 1lb....Woohoo!!!! I called my mom and we both celebrated on the phone. I believe you have to celebrate all the little victories along the's more fun that way. :) hehe
Last night after dinner, I took my nightly walk and walked a little over a mile, but this time I added more arm movement and man was I tired by the end!! As soon as I got back to my apartment I took a cold bath...and let me tell was GREATNESS!! Don't you love the feeling of a cold bath/shower after a super hard/sweaty workout. I <3 it.
I really enjoy walking! (Much more than I thought I would) I have actually decided I want to set a goal for my walking to keep me motivated to do more and it will give me something to look forward to. I am planning to walk in the "Totally Psyched 5K Run/Walk" at the University of North Texas on April 16th. :) Yay!!! A 5K= a little over 3miles, so I definitely have some work to do to get there, but I believe I can do it!! :) And believing is 1/2 the challenge!
Hope everyone is have a great and healthy weekend. ~Kendra~

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