
Sunday, March 27, 2011

How do you track your weightloss?

I write my daily weight, food/calories I consume and exercise all down in a cute journal I have, but I wanted a move visual and fun way to simply see my weightloss journey progress. I though of what I could do and decided to make a Weight Loss here it is:


























I simply took a large poster board, letter & flower designs and created this chart. The graph part was made by cuting apart a classroom attendance chart I got for $1 at Dollar Tree. Then I placed my date/weight on the chart using colorful dots, which were also purchased at Dollar Tree for $1. I got the letters, shapes and poster markers at Dollar General. The total cost of supplies was around $10. I just love how it turned out and am excited to add more dots to the chart!! :) ~Kendra~

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Water...I'm Lovin It!!!

Lately, I have been drinking water like it's going out of I haven't had any soda/cokes since Thanksgiving and I have had anything but water for over a week now. (I was starting to get addicted to sweet tea) I am just loving water...plain old water. :) Before this journey really got going, to drink water I would have to mix it with stuff like those little packets of lemonade, but now I just like it plain!! Do you like water or are you still grasping to get those 8 glasses a day?
Oh another topic...It is currently "my time of the month" but I have been able to maintain my weight. I'd really like to see more losing, but I am very happy I'm not gaining!! Also, I think the nightly walks have really helped with symptoms like cramps and just puts me in an overall better mood.
Hope you are all doing well on your journey and your week is full of progress and moves closer to your goal!! :) ~Kendra~
PS: I'm also thinking of charting my weight and giving myself an "award" each time I reach a goal....have you ever done this? Do you think it's a good idea? What could the awards be?

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wow....1 More!! :)

You can probably tell from the title....I weighed my self this morning and lost 1lb....Woohoo!!!! I called my mom and we both celebrated on the phone. I believe you have to celebrate all the little victories along the's more fun that way. :) hehe
Last night after dinner, I took my nightly walk and walked a little over a mile, but this time I added more arm movement and man was I tired by the end!! As soon as I got back to my apartment I took a cold bath...and let me tell was GREATNESS!! Don't you love the feeling of a cold bath/shower after a super hard/sweaty workout. I <3 it.
I really enjoy walking! (Much more than I thought I would) I have actually decided I want to set a goal for my walking to keep me motivated to do more and it will give me something to look forward to. I am planning to walk in the "Totally Psyched 5K Run/Walk" at the University of North Texas on April 16th. :) Yay!!! A 5K= a little over 3miles, so I definitely have some work to do to get there, but I believe I can do it!! :) And believing is 1/2 the challenge!
Hope everyone is have a great and healthy weekend. ~Kendra~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Yummy Meal

So, since I'm so new to to the whole counting calories game, I am trying to find foods I enjoy that are low calorie. Tonight for dinner I definately found a winner. (Wow, that totally rhymed) Anyways, this meal only totals 220cals and it is super yummy and only likes minutes to make. :) I'm not someone who wants to cook, I want to be able to throw it together quickly and easily and this is that kind of meal. On to the food.....
So first I simply heated up a potatoe (110 cals) for about 7mins in the microwave.
Then I warmed up 1 Italian Style Chicken Breast Fillet (110 cals per fillet) for 6 minutes. I think I will warm it up a little less next time, because it wasn't quiet as soft as I'd like, but it was definately still good!
Then I added a little (2tbs) of the Great Value Mild Salsa (o cals) to add some yummyness to the baked potatoe and BOOM...there's dinner :)











What's your fav quick and simple low cal meal? ~Kendra~

Friday, March 18, 2011

So Pumped :)

So today has been a big, exciting day for the beginning of my weightloss journey. Today I recorded my first offical weightloss since starting Sensotherapy, a 1,200 calorie diet and my new exercise of choice, walking. How much weight did I loose? You ask. I lost 2.4lbs....not 2lbs, but 2.4 :) And let me just say I couldn't stop talking about it this morning, cus I was so excited to see movement....I think I just had this lingering fear in the back of my head that no matter what I did, no matter how healthy I ate, I would simply stay the same and see no results...I know this wasn't really logical thinking, but it's how I felt.
On to more good times from today....I got off work 2hrs early today, which gave me extra hours to do some things I've been wanting to do.
#1- I went to Sport Authority and purchased my first pair of really nice walking shoes. They are black, cute and the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn! (Aspire shoes in Ascender III if u were wondering what brand and style.)
#2- I got cute workout clothes. I went to Ross and got some Champions black capri style black leggings and then an oversized very lightweight cotton tanktop that is big navy blue and white stripes with the word LOVE in bold black letters on the front. I'm planning on hunting down some more thrifty workout gear tommorow too.
#3-I purchased a Pedometer that keeps track of my steps and the miles I've walked....and today I walked 1.35miles in my cute new workout gear.
Have a great and healthy weekend! ~Kendra~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Diet Update #1

My diet has been going really well so far. I have stuck to my 1,200 calorie plan for 2 days in a row...I know I'm just beginning, but hey...You have to start somewhere :) I've also maintained the same weight (at least I haven't gained) and hope to see some downward movement very soon! Also, I have decided I need to incorporate a variety of healthy foods...not just yogurt, weight loss shakes, fruit, etc. I want to branch out, so tommorow after work I plan to go to Whole Foods to do some shopping and try some different low cal foods and see what I like :) Also, I have started walking, which is what my Dr recommended. He said not to workout hardcore or with weights, because that could make me gain muscle weight and plataue with my weight loss more quickly, which wouldn't be good. Also, I have been drinking water like there's no tommorow...usually 6 bottles or more a day. Yay!! No sweet tea since 3/13 and no sodas since that's definately some great progess. I seem to be rambling, so until I have a specific topic to go on and on about I guess I will sleep :) Super sleepy!! ~Kendra~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Challenge Time

So since I start Sensotherapy next Tuesday, I decided to go ahead and get started with the healthy living plans. :) I'm going grocery shopping this Friday to stock up on healthy food. I also joined and am participating in the challenge below. The challenge starts 3/12 and ends 5/7, so 8wks total.
Have you tried participating in any challenges or online weightloss groups? How did it work for you? ~Kendra~

Starting a new journey

I have started several journeys on this blog and am about to embark on another one.....It's one I'm sure many of you have gone on as well. The journey to a healthier you through weight-loss, diet and exercise. I have joined an online group and also made an appointment with a weight loss doctor for next week. I am going to be doing Sensotherapy, which I am really excited about!! I did a bunch of online research trying to decide what would work best for me. I believe this approach will give me the jump start I need to get going. :) I have a membership to a local gym and plan to go several times a week. For workouts at home when I am not able to get to the gym I got a workout stretch band and dvd. My goal is to loose 50lbs. So, the reason for this blog....well, I am going to be using it as a way of keeping track of what I eat, my daily exercise and how everything's going with this journey in general. If you have any suggestions or anything you'd like to see let me know. ~Kendra~